WELCOME!! This is the 'EMPTY THRONE' Campaign WIKI. Its PROBABLE that the title 'the Lost Doors' is not the name of the campaign you are currently in.  My campaign has had, and will have, multiple on going (and sometimes, consecutive storylines but since THIS is the most general overview I can make of the whole world... there was really no point in proliferating this data many times across all possible facets.

I'm already operating TWO Obsidian Portal websites one to market the game online for prospective players, the other for players who have been invited to play.  You'll find a lot of color at those locations.  But I understand the need to create minimalistic surface product, so welcome to that here.

What you'll find here is a no nonsense description of rules in use and the skeleton of story framework. What it WONT have is much explanation ...or meat.  It will at best allow me to provide nutshell surface details. Enough for whom ever to dream up an RTJ prior to building it using the Character Creation rules.  Enough that it will fit into the scope of things to come.  Or, AT LEAST, to avoid sending an RTJ's which will be denied without exploration on my part.

Basics of reality: In Character.
The art of saying the wrong things the right way.

Basic Game Fictions

Basic Out of Character subjects.
How Do I Earn Experience?
Expectation of participation?
PBP combat?
Dealing with the Combat Grid.
What now?
Homebrew, Rule Zero Changes, and Underlining the Standard

External Links
What is the premise of the Game?
More information?


Order of Arms
Legion Halls, Society of Arms, Fraternal Orders, Noble HousesMortal Organizations,
Lore and LearningArtifice and Alchemy, Rune, Sigil, and Seals,
Relics and Artifacts, Pagan Invocations, Deviltry
Providence Familia Celestine, Heptarchs and Archons
Inquisitions. Raven Questioners, Eternal MechanismDivine Mantles

Frontier and Lost Lore
Other EmpiresThe Horde 
Shamanism Powers and Patrons
Death Lore Echomen and Undeath, Risen Dead
Central Empire
The Primes: [Languages]
Cathay [Tieshan] | Novus [Teresh]) |  Kalishi [Ethangari] | Volovik [Norn]
Valsguarde [Iverni] | Athos [Thelitos] | Theteros[Thelitos] | Catalan [Kashmiri]
the Known World
Language Mechanics
Ubiquitous Lore Objectivity
How to Build a CharacterGame Master Guidelines
Pick a Race Humans, Non-HumanIntolerance and other isms
Pick a ClassNon Casters, Hybrid Casters, Semi Caster, Pure CastersRealms of Power
Pick an Alignment Alignment BenchmarksFeet of Clay
Pick a Profession. Professions and RolesKnowledge vs Profession
Game Design: Raw vs Zero Rule.Whole Cloth
Psionics vs Magic; What's DifferentSkill Groups
Skill vs Feat; Talent TreeNew Classes
Merits, Flaws, and your Primary Vice
Primary FlawsPhysical Flaws  Archetypes
Secondary Flaws Mental Flaws
Curses!! Magical Maladies
Merits? Merits Leadership
Primary Vices Primary Vice, SanitySkill Grouping

Vanguard's Edge  The most dangerous places in the world are never the center of the map. Its where the edge touches other edges.

The Isle of Fire      The Window on the Water