Elves | Iron Dwarves | Halflings (Yutani)  | Half-Elves (iKKosi)  |  Half-Orcs (Ogrun)

With all due respect to Tolkien and DnD standard, I’m trying to build my own world here not regurgitate plot and atmosphere from those books thus, I’ve renamed a lot of races and included others with new spin.

Despite the preponderance of Humans which occupy the current known world, many current races and race relations refuse to suffer from a anthropocentric point of view. In most lands, civilized or not, calling an Ogrun a half-orc is done at one’s own peril. It is generally considered to be a derogatory epithet to use any human comparison commentary regarding race – at least by non-humans. Similarly, it is also considered a major breech of social etiquette to bring up the widely held non-human belief that humans were responsible for the cataclysm.

All native races live within the Regional Nations of the Central Empire. Within this scope, humans are identified primarily by their nationality, while non-humans, even those native born, are identified by their racial identity first and their nationality as second. This dichotomy is not true in rural areas… who will want to know if a person is civilized or savage first – THEN be concerned as to what their ‘race’ is or is not. This intolerance MAY be why the only non-humans which are found regularly in urban areas are Dwarves.