Basic Game Premise
The world presented one which has just emerged from an of crisis following a great cataclysm. And age so dark it can only be contrasted by the Golden age of civilization which was once existed.   And aged of dreams blessed by both technology and tolerance.  Which upon a terrible moment had fallen into the depths of aggression, blight, vice, tyranny, disease, and disorder.

The world today is the first breath of peace in a millennia. This Age is one of exploration, a Path leading to Enlightenment at least for those who can afford it. For those that do not toil as part of the common agrarian existence.... life can be elegant, urbane, indulgent and sophisticated.  But for the larger part of the community - life is unremitting toil, ignorance, and fear ...occasionally balanced by community, fellowship, and hope.  The primary assumption of the common man is that they are currently living in the deep shadow of a greater age.

The blame for the Fall ...may be due to some internal racial hubris of man, some flaw which man ignored to his detriment (as the Imperial Priesthood will suggest). But most think its something more sinister... (pick any conspiracy/intolerance to fill this hole). The most common of any possible conspiracy uses magic in its various forms as a scapegoat.  Humanity is sufficiently ignorant and intolerant of magic [ANY MAGIC] ...unless a high 'holy' ritual is taking place ... the use of magic will be presumed to be associated with arcanistry and devil worship.

Where upon violence righteous, just or not... may ensue.

The great compact between nations extends civilized law ... where only fear, hate, and the mob ruled existed previously. Among more sophisticated circles the treaty commonly known as the 'Blood Covenant' is known as the...  "Covenant of Kings"  This treaty officially came into existence a century ago, although if you are a student of history you are aware that it probably existed unofficially at least several decades before that. Recently, it has become more prevalent for the common man in the last decade or two. Where the formation of a Imperial Aristocracy which spans every nation has affected commerce (and taxes) in some manner. Each player character should begin play with an opinion about this treaty - whether you are for, against, or neutral to its political ramifications is entirely up to you.

Common Ground  This game is about those heroic-individuals; there will no condition where the common man will believe that your character is just a nobody from nowhere. At least, not without persistent skill rolls and extensive roleplay to that effect - and even then it would be a temporary fix. Someone, somewhere regards your character as a HERO - and you probably have the enemies and the scars to prove it. Even if your character is widely considered to be a Villain - someone somewhere venerates him and his actions as heroic. This is your moment to shine - take advantage.

Some where along, in your heroic pursuits, each player will have had a near death experience.  This 'memory?' has given him a brief but haunting revelation about the true nature of reality. The game begins at edge of civilization, where your character is positive that the answers which haunt him can be found or where he may be granted some respite from the lies illuminated by this haunting truth can be had.

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