There are three LEGS of this game;  Intrigue, Heroism, and the Supernatural.

This represents every interaction you can make with the plot, the npc's and the other pc's. Pretty much every time you open your mouth other people are going to hear one thing and listen to another.  Typically as it aligns to their assumptions.  This is the nature of a subjective reality of existence.  If you are alive you've got an agenda.  EVEN IF your only agenda is to stay alive.  AND BECAUSE this is a Fantasy game ...even the DEAD have an agenda. The most basic of these may just be to make you dead.
I don't play the game of PCs vs the GM... that is a Zero Sum game. And frankly you'll lose, so why bother.  If that's the sort of story you want to hear or play ... I'd suggest you check out Path of Exile. I can be found there too.   That's NOT what I'm looking to do HERE.

Even evil people can be HEROIC because heroism has NOTHING TO DO WITH MORALITY. Go look up the definition, I'll wait.  We ASSUME that to be heroic is synonymous with the qualities of 'good'. And villainy with evil. This is done as a means to justify, or at least rationalize, the actions taken by our champions at any time. Alignment in this way is a manufactured rationalization.  In this game IF you decide to play inside of the allowed gamut of 'non-good' understand that I'm STILL expecting you to exist closer to the ideal perception of heroism. It really does behoove you to go look up that word.

The game will be played at the conflict point between the mundane and the magical. I won't steer the game to explore any extreme without attempting to balance them on this point of conflict.  The reason why I've ensured the PCs have EPIC or better options is they represent the cusp of what humanity can become (GOOD OR BAD).  In the supernatural world the PCS represent the Strength of Change. And in the mundane world the PC's are a window to EPIC POSSIBILITY.
All the things you can find in any Bestiary or Monster Manual Exists in this world.  Its just hidden out in the dark past the fire light.  Mortal man both fears it and doesn't quite believe it there. As the PCs you either KNOW differently or are prepared to find out the truth.