Specific merits cost variable amounts and may only be _purchased_ during pregame character creation. [*Example:* _If your concept is your character is the son of a noble family - without purchasing the Merit: Noble Rank - your character wont just inherit noble  title even if that parent dies within the character's life time._ ]
Merits bestowed post game are 'earned merits' and are, typically, granted with strings attached.

Allies2, 3, 4N|Business1, 3, 5Y
Ceremonial Title1N|Civil Rank1, 2Y
Clerical Rank1, 2, 4Y|ConnectionsVariableN
DestinyVariableY|Estates1, 2, 3, 4Y
Fortification3, 5Y|Guild Rank1, 2, 3N
LibraryVariableY|Military RankVariableY
Noble RankVariable|ReputationVariableY
Special Authority1, 2N|

Due to the lack of linear time medium in the play by post,  any reference made or inferred by the term "Once per game session" is rendered no coherent.  And the reset of such abilities need to be addressed out of game - preferable with minimal fuss.  Should you come across such a reference please alert me to it and your intent to take the ability.