Catalonia has a history of conflict with outsiders, from its sea born rival Athos, to the piratical Novus Ordum, or the enigmatic Scarlet Empire whose trade relations seem entirely to pervasive, but it is currently locked in a guerrilla like battle across the N’dongo Feverthorn Jungle with the rogue state of A’halon. The heart of the Imperial Patheonic Church has resided in Catalona since the Age of Rage. (It once rested in Theturos, but when the late Heirophant came at-odds with Theturos much revered warrior culture, the church withdrew from its originating nation).

Catalonia is located on the Western most beaches of Arkos, North of Athos and South of Kalishi. The terrain is highland and its climate largely depends on how far up the dragons spine you go. Its prime city Zargosa sits on a plateau between the fangs of the serpent river guarding only way to go inland into Feverthorn before the Athosian cleft. Geographically, the nation is situation on prime real estate. It has rich mines, fertile soils, and access to well stocked oceans; Catalonia’s people have never wanted for food or supplies. Its winters are short and tepid and its summers are long and temperate. Catalonia’s previous agricultural efforts hampered its productivity of its farmlands, but the Church Triumphant’s intervention over the last 500 years has changed all of that. In fact, the Church’s organizational efforts have turn Catalonia into an economic powerhouse.

While the King is nominally the supreme ruler of his Kingdom, its no secret that his council of Church’s “Council of Reason” powerfully influences his decisions. Catalonia’s biggest problem these days is the dawning realization of the other seven Keys that the Church Triumphant is actively trying to forge a single Empire and that THEY may not be chosen to ascend the Imperial Throne. Notable examples to these sort of imperial intrigues and political growing pains are the three assassination attempts on the BoyKing’s life in as many years..

The Catalonian people are a practical people. They have seen the benefits of accepting the Church into their nation’s culture. Like Theturos, where the church once came from, Catalonia is the only other nation to have aqueducts in every major city. They have free public education. Their water is clean and their crops are more productive than ever. Even their smallest village has a church stocked with medical supplies and a small library along with an Akashic Brother trained in science and medicine. But they are also a passionate people. The love music and dancing and have a profound devotion to their domestic culture, La Familia. This culture is venerated around the maternal figure who brought forth life from the darkness. Traditional dances are passionate, although some decry them as being lascivious, and their music is quick and heartfelt.