And you may ask yourself Well...How did I get here?
At the beginning of play your character will have sacrificed much to find a good lead to find answers about their visions.  No player may have more than 15 gold in coin, gems, or objects d'art - on their person - by the start of game play. Any character who buys wealth with their Merit points has access to some form static wealth far, far away. (OOC: The lack of an ATM in a fantasy game can be a real pain, no?) Each player may have the standard amount of equipment, including magical equipment - up to the standard (starting wealth) per their level. Limited by those exceptions and caveats relevant to their character.

The players may be from any nation or race as detailed in the character generation rules. Specific NPCs may be known of - but not from personal knowledge [You cannot have met them via your backstory except as a minor character to their dust jacket. Otherwise feel free to know of them or be inspired/disgusted by them.].  Every character is encouraged to have personal connections with other player characters before gameplay begins but the instance and depth of relation needs to be documented in both players dust jackets before the character beings game-play.

The general tone of the game will be akin to the Age of Exploration, and may include Pirates, Jungles Kingdoms, the contested frontier, non-Human empires, Boom-towns, the Far-East, Ship Graveyards, Temple plunder, pagan gods, Zombie filled ruins as well as more urban aristocratic intrigue. This is a semi-sandbox style of play. Meaning, I will present opportunities for adventure and a possible path of resolution, the players should act in accordance to their character concept. You may or may not decide to interact with the plot at all. That said, ignore the overarching plot at your character's own risk. I will not hold an adventure to an established level merely because it was that level when the characters ignored it a year ago.

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