Professional artwork commissioned especially for Freehold is supported by player community funding. If you'd like to support Freehold with maps, landscapes, battle scenes, and other fantastic artwork, please click the link below.

Freehold's community art fund gladly accepts donations from all benefactors to safely and securely procure professional artwork, specially commissioned just for the game. If you'd like to see more color and life in Freehold, in the form of spectacular images depicting characters, locations, and significant events, then please feel free to donate to the fund!

Donation is never required to participate in the game. There is no minimum donation, and you can make your donations anonymously using your PayPal account or a credit/debit card. If you have an existing PayPal account linked to a credit or debit card, you will need to log in to your PayPal account in order to use that card to submit a donation. If you use a card not linked to an existing PayPal account, then you will merely need to fill out a standardized form to donate. In either case, your information is never seen by the administrators of the donation account, and neither the account nor PayPal retains any information beyond a transaction ID and reference number. Automatic receipts are issued by e-mail for all donations.

The community art fund is managed by senior GMs and a player representative; account statements are available to all players upon request.

We currently have commissions in progress; when complete, they will be available here. We're thankful to partner with some great artists, and encourage others to check out their work and spread word of the wonderful pieces they've done for us.

Partnered Artists

Andrew Ryan


Irene Koh


Artwork by Shara