Artwork by Andrew Ryan
Trendal is a young Chondathan medicant from Shadowdale, where his parents Belle and Furalith were pillars of the community and operated an established clinical practice. He has an extensive history of rubbing elbows with legendary folk despite his young age, as do many who grow up in the Dalelands, and as an infant was often bounced on the knees of Storm Silverhand and Elminster Aumar.

From a young age, his sister Starla was afflicted with an unidentifiable, eldritch wasting sickness that defied all treatment. As a teenager, Trendal saw his parents and their many friends frustrated repeatedly by the failed attempts to cure her, and devoted all his time and training as a young adult to assisting in doing so. After numerous adventures and misadventures in dark places, he and his childhood companions—the necromancer Sandro Ironreach and Arkantis Sirensong, a bard—were able to procure the ingredients for a nostrum at great cost and expense; Starla's recovery freed him, in a strange way, for future endeavors.

Though she was verifiably on the mend, Starla's weak constitution mandated a transition to warmer, dryer climes somewhere south of the Dalelands. Leaving their practice in the temporary care of trusted allies, the family spent many months on the road, eventually settling in Freehold rather than Assur, after seeing how much help their skills could potentially be to the striving frontier town.

Only two months after opening the new Kingshand Clinic and Infirmary in the town center, Trendal was recruited into the expeditionary force headed for the iron mines by Councilor Lysander Arkaine. Along the way, he saved the one-eyed Councilor's life in their battle against Savras-worshipping stingers, when the enemies' paralytic venom threatened to spell doom for the Freeholders; since then, he has formed an ever-closer bond with the serious young Cormyrian warmage.

Trendal again proved critical to Freehold's survival when he volunteered to accompany the strike team formed to assassinate Ghauwffhwa leader Kejujuhwa. The maleficent shaman's magical and physical might were fearsome, and it was only by the grace of the young physic's healing powers that everyone escaped the deadly battle intact. He was also responsible for saving the lives of the gnolls' torture victims and their beleaguered slaves, all of whom had suffered from various levels of starvation, exposure, exhaustion, and psychological trauma. While the catfolk shaman Mwrr was the most physically taxed of the rescuees—having weathered the ministrations of Ghauwffhwa alchemist and torturer Fryxt—Trendal's greatest challenge proved to be the treatment of Tombe, a woman of the Shaaran Ankheg Tribe driven to madness by the unending torment of her gnollish captors.

The Dalishman's next challenge came when a kobold mining operation poisoned the Liontongue River, sickening many in Freehold. Trendal worked tirelessly to treat the mysterious illness, and afterwards to supply clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing while Lysander and a handful of others sought out the source of the pollution. When his lover was returned to him nearly dead from blightburn, the healer searched desperately for a way to save him, fiercely interrogating Abae Khon and the rest of the expedition regarding the details of the conditions they had encountered. After some tense trial and error, Trendal finally hit upon the discovery that the magical energy infected the body as a poison, but thereafter functioned upon the victim in a manner more akin to a disease. By applying the greatest of his powers, he was narrowly able to pull Lysander back from the brink, and eventually to decontaminate the remainder of the group, as well.

The warmage's admission to long-term care further taxed the already-stretched capacity of the Kingshand Clinic and Infirmary, and so it was with some relief that Trendal supported Lord Aram Lazard's proposal for the Kingshand Municipal Hospital, the better to attend Freehold's growing needs.

The Kingshand family renders most services either free or in exchange for favors/barter goods of equivalent value. Donations to the infirmary are gladly accepted.

Emergencies: There is no additional charge for responding to a medical emergency, but the patient is responsible for the standard rate of any care needed, as applicable in the individual entry for the appropriate service.

Examinations: Full physical examinations are performed free of charge, by appointment. If an anomaly is discovered, then the price for treatment is either as listed below or negotiable, as appropriate.

Expensive Healing Goods: Exotic, rare, difficult-to-replace, or magical healing items (such as potions) can only be provided in exchange for actual coin, representing the need to import or otherwise replace the materials used in their creation. They are offered at the standard rate, as applicable.

House Calls: House calls function similarly to examinations, unless the visit is to provide long-term assistance to a patient in their own home, in which case the rate is the same as for in-patient care, above.

Long-Term/In-Patient Care: Staying in the infirmary for closely-assisted long-term care or observation costs 5sp per night, as a common inn. This includes 2 meals per day, in addition to care and services. Favors or barter goods of equivalent value are acceptable.

Magical Healing: Trendal provides magical healing for free, if he is reasonably able. The patient must provide payment for any expensive material components, if necessary.

Mundane Healing Goods: Healing items which can be easily manufactured and replaced from materials in the local area are provided free of charge if the patient can replace the ingredients; otherwise, they are offered at the standard rate for the item (in the appropriate sourcebook, etc.). Equivalent exchange is acceptable.

Operations: A full-scale operation costs (5 x Heal DC) silver pieces, or the equivalent value in favors or barter goods. If magical or expensive supplies must be utilized during the operation, they must be paid for separately, as appropriate.