GM - Fusilier
Chapter 16 - Northern Poland - Red Snow : November 11th, 2000
Summary: The team heads to Tczew to rescue Valeska's boat and crew. Eikki Termonen finally gets brought to justice. The team then helps the Forest City with a "bandit" problem.
Mad Dogs Unit Roster:
John Jameson McCarthy - player
Helmut Meyer - NPC
Varis Babicevs - player
Arthur Fox - NPC
Francis "Frank" Benucci - player
Anna - NPC
Ferro - player
Billy “Crack” O’Brien - player
Aleksandar Mazurek - NPC
Per Kolstrup - player
David "Tosh" Lines - player
Katarzyna Majchrzak - NPC
Walter Krupp - NPC
Czeslaw Kaczka - NPC
Piotr Auttenberg - NPC
Michael Kessler - player
Karel Janku - NPC
Lukas Fischer - player
Sabine Riedel - player
Tomasz Andropov - player
Raymond Sims - player
Charles "Charlie" Price - player
Chris Walsh - player
PC Assets:
Ambulance model BMP (engine damage and in need of parts)
Armored Humvee
Volkswagen Iltis
BTR-80 (Krok)
- Valeska and her hired gun, a Czech named Janacek Czerny, are in Krepiec, waiting to catch a boat to Gdansk.
- Cut to Kaminski’s office. Valeska and Czerny are there with Kaminski, asking JJM for help rescuing her boat and crew, who have been impounded and captured by Polish forces in Tczew. JJM motions to Kessler about some of his former men being lost at Tczew, and that they might be imprisoned there along with Valeska’s crew. Kessler mentions that he lost 4 men there, Von Luetner, Brandt, Wurz (mentioned in a previous chapter), and Dudek. He also relays that Von Luetner and Dudek are certainly dead, but he can’t be sure what happened to the other two. Czerny gives more background on the possible mission details (the unit on the river is a Polish air defense unit re-purposed for guarding the river) and a plan on how to steal the boat back. He also talks about the rest of Valeska’s crew - Leslaw was gunned down when he tried to run during the initial capture. Marek and Izaak were both arrested and are being held in an old police station. There’s also a gunboat at Tczew, possibly the same one that fired on the unit when the Mad Dogs crossed the Vistula in search of the fuel depot.
- The Mad Dogs spend a while figuring out exactly how to pull off the mission, and ultimately decide that two groups will be needed, one for freeing the imprisoned crew, and one to take back the boat.
- That night, the Mad Dogs head out - first to Przejazdowo, then through the ruined town of Osice. As they pass close to Pruszcz Gdanski they hear the sounds of a helicopter powering up, but it’s assumed to just be an engine test. An hour’s march from Tczew, the Mad Dogs avoid being spotted by a half dozen calvarymen on a patrol, and continue on to the northern perimeter of the city, where the group splits into their two teams.
- The Mad Dogs spend a while figuring out exactly how to pull off the mission, and ultimately decide that two groups will be needed, one for freeing the imprisoned crew, and one to take back the boat.
Group 1
- Engagement at Tczew
- Group 1, led by JJM, manages to make it to the harbor where they see the impounded barge, the gunboat, and various other watercraft. There is a ZSU-23-2 with a spotlight, a nearby sangar/bunker, and at least one position occupied by Polish sentries.
- Lines and Walsh silently dispatch two guards, then clamber aboard the gunboat. Babicevs and Valeska swim out to the barge, where Babicevs unloads a small inflatable while Valeska goes below deck to get the ship prepared to move. Babicevs rows back to shore, where he’s left as JJM rows back out to the barge. As Babicevs waits, two sentries approach his position, whom he opens up on, gunning them down and breaking the silence in the harbor.
Group 2
- Group 2, led by Kessler, successfully reaches the police station/prison and nearby garage. The nearby buildings are mostly empty, but there are clearly people inside the prison.
- The team successfully infiltrates the garage and takes 4 POWs. They use one of the captured men in a ruse to get the police station to open up, and rush inside, taking 4 more POWs. There are 14 prisoners in the police station's cells, including Marek and Izaak. A random prisoner claims to be Wurz, but then states that he knows where Wurz is, and will tell them if the Mad Dogs will release him. The team offers to leave the keys for all of the cell prisoners, but want the information from fake Wurz first.
- Outside Andropov and Riedel are forced to start shooting after 2 sentries come by and turn on some lights.
- Kessler is true to his word and lets all of the prisoners go. Fake Wurz then lets Kessler know that the real Wurz was not mentally broken by PACT, and that he was transferred to Malbork. Kessler offers to take Fake Wurz with the unit back to Gdansk (he declines but gives the unit an alternate path to the harbor to bypass patrols) and the unit prepares to move out - shuffling their own POWs into the cells recently emptied of freed prisoners. The Mad Dogs then head out toward the harbor on foot.
- Almost to the harbor, the group sees a technical and a transport truck, which appear to be a QRF group in response to Babicev’s gunning down of sentries. Kessler radios in the QRF to JJM.
- The team successfully infiltrates the garage and takes 4 POWs. They use one of the captured men in a ruse to get the police station to open up, and rush inside, taking 4 more POWs. There are 14 prisoners in the police station's cells, including Marek and Izaak. A random prisoner claims to be Wurz, but then states that he knows where Wurz is, and will tell them if the Mad Dogs will release him. The team offers to leave the keys for all of the cell prisoners, but want the information from fake Wurz first.
Group 1
- Hearing the report of the QRF inbound, Fischer fires an RPG at the ZU-23-2. The first shot impacts against a sandbag emplacement at the base of the vehicle. Sims shoots out a neighboring spotlight. Walsh and Lines disable the gunboat’s main gun and plant a demo charge at the rear of he craft, hoping to damage its motive systems, and then get back to the shore. Ferro and Benucci take control of the sangar bunker, while Price and Walsh take control of the ZU-23-2. Price jumps in and starts firing the AA gun toward the enemy forces, who after seeing one of their peers get shredded, immediately attempt to go quiet.
Group 2
- As the technical starts to open up on the team at the harbor, Group 2 starts peppering it and the dismounted troops. They manage to take out the technical and pin all of the enemy reinforcements. Soon enough, an enemy M113 rolls into view as Group 2 links up with Group 1 in the harbor. The new tracked vehicle pops smoke in an attempt to remove the enemy injured.
- A blast rocks the gunboat from the planted charge, and additional shells are put into the side of it from Price in the AA gun emplacement. Valeska's barge, now at last starts to move out of the harbor. The Mad Dogs continues to shoot at any Poles they see along with generally causing mass mayhem, and begin an orderly withdraw downriver.
- Ferro, Riedel, Benucci, Andropov, Marek, and Izaak manage to get to the moving barge after wading through the water. Izaak, clinging to the outside of the barge gets hit by a ricochet and drops into the water, along with Andropov who slips. Ferro grabs Andropov, and Kolstrup and Price make it aboard. This leaves most everyone on the barge, but Kessler, Czerny and Izaak are still in the water. The barge stops and sends the inflatable back to pick up the swimmers, while the rest of the unit provides covering fire. The swimmers make it to shore, and Sims rows the inflatable in. Arriving, Sims and the shore party hide while the M113 comes into view again. The tracked vehicle sees the barge and keeps moving - while the shore party climbs into the inflatable and start rowing back to the barge. It takes time, but the inflatable eventually catches the barge and although freezing, all Mad Dogs are now successfully aboard.
- Further downriver, Polish pursuers are seen again - this time in the M113, two OT-64s, another technical, and some motorcycles. The two parties exchange fire for a time, with the M113 being hit by an SPG-9 Valeska pulls from below deck (from a smuggler's compartment). Valeska takes a devastating leg injury. The technical soon drops back, and after more shots are fired the SKOTs end up pulling back as well. One of the motorcyclists does manage to put an rpg round into the hull though, but the hole is above the waterline and the boat isn’t in danger of sinking. Sims is found not long after, bleeding profusely from multiple wounds. Riedel attempts to save him, but Raymond Sims dies soon after.
- The boat arrives at Sobieszewo Island, and after a quick radio to Ivar, the barge takes on 4 Soviet prisoners for transfer to Gdansk to the IB for use in a prisoner exchange. The barge also takes on 3 wounded men and a minder from the island for transference to St. Mary’s. Mariusz at the island’s docks also lets JJM know that there is an unofficial ceasefire with the Poles east of the Vistula, but the Mad Dogs are no longer allowed on that side of the river.
- The barge then continues into the open ocean, and back town through the ports of Gdansk, dropping off the wounded islanders at an FL dock, before finally stopping at Kaminskis Compound. Valeska is taken to St. Mary’s as well for her leg wound.
- Kaminski is worried about the barge being parked right outside, but it needs repairs, and so it gets moved to the other side of the canal for repair work.
- Janacek Czerny officially joins the Mad Dogs, and the group splits.
- Ferro, Riedel, Benucci, Andropov, Marek, and Izaak manage to get to the moving barge after wading through the water. Izaak, clinging to the outside of the barge gets hit by a ricochet and drops into the water, along with Andropov who slips. Ferro grabs Andropov, and Kolstrup and Price make it aboard. This leaves most everyone on the barge, but Kessler, Czerny and Izaak are still in the water. The barge stops and sends the inflatable back to pick up the swimmers, while the rest of the unit provides covering fire. The swimmers make it to shore, and Sims rows the inflatable in. Arriving, Sims and the shore party hide while the M113 comes into view again. The tracked vehicle sees the barge and keeps moving - while the shore party climbs into the inflatable and start rowing back to the barge. It takes time, but the inflatable eventually catches the barge and although freezing, all Mad Dogs are now successfully aboard.
Group 1
- JJM, Kessler and Kaminski talk about what to do with some civilians moving into the area. There's a little concern about the impact to OpSec.
- Jan mentions that he helped defeat the Black Baron in Warsaw, and gives 30 gold bullets to the unit to help with the unit expenses (was wondering where these had come from).
- The officers then decide what to do next, and head to see Hauptmann Woermann at the IB HQ. Woermann talks about the strategic needs of the city, and Kessler and JJM conclude that Gdansk needs a leader to rally around. Woermann also mentions various topics of strategic importance, such as there being an Mi-8 Hip stationed at Pruszcz Gdanski. Kessler asks about any local religious figures that might serve as a viable leader for the free city, and Woermann offers Lukasz Piszczek as a possible option, who currently leads the Legion of Saint Adalbert militia. Woermann also provides a lot of intel about the 42nd GRMD in msg#597, page 24. The officers then return to the compound.
Group 2
- The rest of the unit then stands down and heads out for a night on the town.
Engagement at the Five Star
- At the Five Star bar, two men walk into the bar after the Mad Dogs enter. Babicevs recognizes one of the men as Eikki Termonen. Babicevs jumps up and starts firing his pistol at Eikki. Babicevs wounds Eikki’s accomplice, grossly disfiguring the man’s face. He also manages to hit Eikki, but not badly enough to stop the Finn from escaping back out the front door. Choosing not to pursue Eikki, the Mad Dogs take the accomplice prisoner and return to the compound.
- Back at the compound, Kaminski relays that Valeska should live through her leg wound. He also mentions that the Marians are trying to test out paper money as a new currency for the free city.
- Eikki's accomplice is then interrogated, and he identifies as Jerzy Lisowski, but that he doesn’t know much beyond the address of where he and Eikki had stayed together (Address: Walowa 38 #602). The man also mentions that he’s just a hired goon, that Eikki handles jobs and payment, and that he receives amber as payment for the jobs more than what’s considered usual for his line of work.
- The Mad Dogs decide to send a team to check the apartment, while others stay at the compound, alert for any attack.
- Eikki's accomplice is then interrogated, and he identifies as Jerzy Lisowski, but that he doesn’t know much beyond the address of where he and Eikki had stayed together (Address: Walowa 38 #602). The man also mentions that he’s just a hired goon, that Eikki handles jobs and payment, and that he receives amber as payment for the jobs more than what’s considered usual for his line of work.
Group 1
- JJM along with 10 other Mad Dogs go to investigate Eikkis Apartment, and cordon off the area. The assault team reaches Eikkis Apartment, but he’s nowhere to be found. They do find that he was there just a couple minutes earlier however. The assault team holds in place until reinforcements arrive, in the form of men from the IB (led by Lt. Collins) and also from the Świt (Dawn) Batalion (led by Cmdr. Wisniewski). A complete search of the building takes place, and Eikki ends up being found and taken into custody in a neighboring apartment - he had a mouse hole cut through to the apartment next door hidden behind cabinet.
- Evidence is then collected, equipment given to the Świt (Dawn) Batalion after a jurisdictional dispute, and Eikki is interrogated by Kolstrup. Not a lot is learned, but the evidence points to a number of addresses and pre-registered artillery targets, along with the goings on of FL boats in the area. The IB promises to give over any intel that could be gleaned from Eikki later on, as he was not forthcoming with Kolstrup. The Mad Dogs then reconvene on the street outside and return to the compound.
- In the morning, JJM assigns tasks, and the unit splits up.
- Evidence is then collected, equipment given to the Świt (Dawn) Batalion after a jurisdictional dispute, and Eikki is interrogated by Kolstrup. Not a lot is learned, but the evidence points to a number of addresses and pre-registered artillery targets, along with the goings on of FL boats in the area. The IB promises to give over any intel that could be gleaned from Eikki later on, as he was not forthcoming with Kolstrup. The Mad Dogs then reconvene on the street outside and return to the compound.
Group 1
- Kessler takes Price and others to the IB HQ to drop Eikki’s accomplice off, ask about operations the Mad Dogs can help with, and ask about selling the BMP. Kessler meets with Woermann, and the two discuss a number of topics - Schweppenburg allegedly has a team of 6 other co-conspirators in the city, who are resorting to economic sabotage at the moment.
- Also present at the HQ is Janusz (fun call back), who seems perturbed that no one seems to remember him. Hauptmann Woermann offers a damaged Humvee (along with two wrecks for parts) and an Iltis, along with a working radio to the Mad Dogs in exchange for the BMP.
- Woermann also offers a mission to Forest City (which produces 15-20% of the city’s food) to take care of a recent bandit problem. The Mad Dogs taking the mission would leave the IB with resources to tackle other problems. In addition, there's concern that the Merchant's Union has an interest in bringing the Forest City under their "protection", and them having an alliance with Forest City would raise their influence in the city above its already high level. Group 1 returns to the compound.
- Also present at the HQ is Janusz (fun call back), who seems perturbed that no one seems to remember him. Hauptmann Woermann offers a damaged Humvee (along with two wrecks for parts) and an Iltis, along with a working radio to the Mad Dogs in exchange for the BMP.
Group 2
- Kaminski confronts JJM about making changes to his compound without his permission. JJM apologizes and tells Kaminski that it’s to help set him up as a powerful man in the city, as well as to help protect the new civilians moving into the area surrounding the compound. The added protection will also help secure the fuel stash, which Kaminski appreciates.
- Then the Mad Dogs still at the compound go about looking for ways to reinforce the defenses at the compound, and send out a patrol to scavenge railroad sleepers, telephone poles, and other raw building materials. They also do some shopping.
Ferro drives to and retrieves Walter Krupp from St Mary’s, and the team sends a recon team out to the Forest City.
Group 1
- The recon team, made up of Kessler, Kolstrup, Ferro, and Czerny head across the bridge (right next to the compound) to Portowa Island, with plans to get more info about helping the Forest City deal with their bandit problem.
- Arriving at the Forest City, they meet a man named Walter Lisiewicz, who explains the situation - over the past few days there have been supplies being stolen, people going missing, and even some murders. He explains that the locals don’t know how many bandits there are or where they’re located, but that he believes they’re northwest of town. Walter does mention some towers on the perimeters of the fields that could be used for observation, and that coming back by boat at night might help the Mad Dogs not be seen by the bandits.
- There is some loose speculation that the bandits are actually working for the MU, in an attempt to bring the Forest City under their care. Walter then shows the recce team the towers, and they return to the compound.
- Arriving at the Forest City, they meet a man named Walter Lisiewicz, who explains the situation - over the past few days there have been supplies being stolen, people going missing, and even some murders. He explains that the locals don’t know how many bandits there are or where they’re located, but that he believes they’re northwest of town. Walter does mention some towers on the perimeters of the fields that could be used for observation, and that coming back by boat at night might help the Mad Dogs not be seen by the bandits.
Group 2
- The rest of the Mad Dogs continue working to salvage materials to use to fortify the compound - a long and arduous task.
- JJM comes up with a plan for the Forest City bandit problem - use the Legion of Saint Adalbert (LoSA) as a stop line while the Mad Dogs quarter the island looking for the bandits.
- The next morning, JJM and Kessler meet with Lukasz Piszczek at the Ganymede Bar. The thinking is that a successful operation will boost Lukasz’s visibility, and hopefully push him as a candidate to unite the city’s various factions as the new leader.
- JJM uses his faith and his proposed plan to convince Father Piszczek to help. Piszczek asks to send along a man named Dawid to join the Mad Dogs for the operation, in order to help identify civilians versus bandits and ensure no civvies get shot by mistake. Piszczek also commits about 30-40 soldiers to the cause. The Mad Dogs return to base.
- Next, the unit quickly negotiates with the Fisherman’s League for some more food deliveries. They also work with them at their Fortress near the mouth of the harbor, securing some basic goods to assist with the operation, and a steady platform to use the NODLR from at night, in order to help spot the bandits.
- The next morning, JJM and Kessler meet with Lukasz Piszczek at the Ganymede Bar. The thinking is that a successful operation will boost Lukasz’s visibility, and hopefully push him as a candidate to unite the city’s various factions as the new leader.
Group 1
- A patrol from the unit then heads out by boat in the wee hours to begin the operation. On the way, they see an FL boat on fire at the docks - it's the Kormoran (one of the two FL gunboats), and it's theorized that the fire may be in retaliation for the gunboat sinking at Tczew. The patrol sets up at the fortress and after a few hours, identifies about seven bandits after some houses in Forest City are lit aflame. The bandits head west from the city.
Group 2
- In the morning, 52 members of LoSA and the The Domovoj show up to help with the operation. Lukasz introduces his squad leaders (excluding them from the recap due to how many there are), and his 2ic, a man named Mateusz. The plan is updated to include a smaller sweep area after the intelligence from the patrol is shared out. Within minutes, the men move across the river and the operation begins.
- Engagement at Forest City
- The sweep begins. It doesn’t take long before some of the bandits are located again, heading south. The unit pursues them in two groups, and get into range with them in some industrial ruins.
- There’s a misunderstanding with the MU at the distillery close by, and the MU starts firing at the Mad Dogs. Thankfully no one is hit and JJM attempts to negotiate a ceasefire, but gets no response. During this time, the bandits and forward members of the stop LoSA line encounter each other.
- As the Mad Dogs continue their advance behind the engaged bandits, Benucci spots a prone man, apparently wounded by gunfire. Benucci and Czerny pounce and grab the bandit.
- The Mad Dogs gun down another bandit or two, and prepare to assault the last bandits in one of the buildings at the large railyard. During the assault, Kolstrup gets hit (unclear where). Lines also gets hit in the arm, and another round in his hip. Finding the last bandit dead from blood loss in the next room, Kolstrup thinks he may have seen the man before. During the firefight, at least 1 militiaman is killed, with 4 others injured.
- Outside, fighters from the MU start showing up, raising tensions in the area. Meanwhile, Kolstrup remembers the bandit that he recognized, he went by the callsign “Jason”, and used to work for Wright before he was let go for being too unhinged. "Jason" apparently was also kicked out of Monolith for the same reason, and was likely working now as a merc before being killed in the assault.
- The men from the MU walk forward. An American MU member named Rick Newell introduces himself and his boss, a former policeman named Inspector Kowalczyk. Kowalczyk asks to see the bodies of the raiders killed, and JJM obliges him. JJM also shows him two wounded bandits that were captured through the firefight, and Kowalczyk wants them turned over to the MU for summary execution (it's a mystery if this is to cover up evidence of an MU plot or if Kowalczyk actually just wants to legitimately execute criminals). It should be noted that Kowalczyk also recognizes one of the wounded bandits, and said that he used to work as a mercenary for the MU, but this point is let go. JJM relents to Kowalczyk's request to turn over the wounded bandits, not wanting to cause further strife.
- Some Mad Dogs go to St. Marys with their wounded peers (both Mad Dogs and militia), while JJM and others go to the MU fort to hand off the prisoners. Kowalczyk asks JJM about Forest City, and then asks him to relay a message that Forest City respect the railroad as a boundary between the two groups’ territory so that further tensions don't escalate.
- Everyone returns to Kaminskis Compound, where spoils from the battle are divvied up. McCarthy than talks to Kaminski about bringing in some people to help teach English, as he wants to help train up the Forest City so that they’re better able to take care of themselves. He also wants some civilian workers for the compound to help with various work. Finally, he and Kaminski also talk about where to lodge the prospective hires and how to pay them.
- There’s a misunderstanding with the MU at the distillery close by, and the MU starts firing at the Mad Dogs. Thankfully no one is hit and JJM attempts to negotiate a ceasefire, but gets no response. During this time, the bandits and forward members of the stop LoSA line encounter each other.
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