
Cyphers are one-use, cobbled together bits of left over technology from previous eras.  They are often unstable and vary so greatly in appearance and purpose that a first glance is usually not enough to surmise the purpose and function of the cypher.

These devices are extremely common and PCs are encouraged to use them frequently - there is always more just around the next corner.

House Rules - Identifying Cyphers

House Rules - Cypher Limits
Players are encouraged to use cyphers on a rolling basis and not hoard them.  However, 2-3 slots can become frustrating so there is a house rule regarding cypher limits:

Item Crafting and Cyphers
Rules are as per the Corebook, pg 106-108.  Taking skill in numenera crafting will assist in identifying cyphers and tinkering with them.

Discovered Cyphers
None Yet