Far to the northeast of Freehold was discovered what appeared to be an abandoned mining operation, originally found by Mircea na Heliogabala during early long-range scouting operations. The mine is truly not so distant from the settlement, but travelers must travel the circumference of Aerilpar Forest to reach it, as they cannot pass through the woodland.

As determined by the expedition sent to investigate the area for usable resources, the mines are anything but empty, claimed as a home by the ogre Hrrlak and his misfit "tribe" of allied orcs and goblinoids, who confirmed that the place was of dwarvish origin and contained usable iron, though they did not have the knowledge or skill to make much use of it. So far, what became of the mine's original architects and why they left it are unsolved mysteries, even to its resident greenskins.

Negotiations were concluded in Hammer 1374DR to seal a truce between Hrrlak and Freehold for use of the mine in exchange for other resources and a share of the profits, if any, the operation might produce. Per the agreement reached by Councilor Nitis Nochan, Hrrlak's community has requested weaponry and the Freeholders' assistance with fortifying the area against any potential future attacks by the neighboring giants, such as the assault that occurred during the envoys' return to the mines.