Gheric ibn Tolvass ibn Shandor al-Nailo has traveled extensively and lived many lives, from that of aristocratic Calishite ease to the hard-bitten mercenary kind. He came to Freehold not far behind Lord Aram Lazard and his retinue, and spent several months lodging in the Homely Hearth to become acquainted with the area and the settlers before deciding to stay.

Both a smith and an archer of notable skill, Gheric has experience in the manufacture of magical arms and armor and even knows a spell or two, despite preferring the way of the warrior, a subject of much fascination for Councilor Shara Graye and the burgeoning Cynosure of Freehold. He leapt to the village's defense during the Ghauwffhwar siege and offered to produce armor and weaponry for the Guard, confirming his desire to settle. He was notably the first person to engage in a major long-term financial transaction in Freehold by approaching Lord Aram Lazard for a loan to open a smithy.

The elf was among the group who ventured east with the first caravan to Assur, negotiating the purchase of considerable construction and manufacturing materials while in the distant Durpari city. Upon his return, he also volunteered to join the investigative task-force proposed by Councilor Shara Graye, to study the motivations behind the giants encountered by the caravan and by Councilor Nitis Nochan on his diplomatic trip to the iron mines, as well as the subterranean ruins discovered beneath Freehold during the poisoned water scare.

The foundation was laid for Gheric's home and modest forge during the month of Alturiak, 1374DR, while he worked on a beautiful jeweled sword commissioned by Valentino Rizavi. He now resides and conducts business east of the town center, near the new municipal bank.