Abjuration (illusion)
Action 2 (Somatic, Verbal)
Range touch
Duration 2 hours
Target 1 creature, object, or 5-foot space
Check Special attack vs. Reflex or Will DC
You make the target difficult to detect or identify. Any attempt to identify or spot the target while its disguises or hidden takes a penalty equal to this effect tier. In addition, any creature using or benefiting from a divination effect to perceive or gather information on the target must make a Will save against your effect DC. If they fail, they perceive the object through the divination as whatever it physically appears to be rather than what the divination effect normally reveals. For example, if you cast this on a vial of poison that was hidden or disguised as a potion and a caster cast Detect Poison on it, it would not detect the poison.
Heightened The maximum number of targets increases to 1 per tier at tier 2 and greater. The max duration increases to 24 hours at tier 3 and greater. If all target spaces are adjacent, you can double the maximum space.