The following are existing spells that have been altered or new spells added to the game. "Tier" is the new term used for "Spell level" so as not to be confused with character level.

0-level Spells
1st-level Spells
2nd-level Spells
3rd-level Spells
4th-level Spells
5th-level Spells
6th-level Spells
7th-level Spells
8th-level Spells
9th-level Spells
10th-level Spells


Arcane Spell Failure: This stat longer exists and neither do Concentration checks. Instead you apply your Armor Check Penalty to your spell DCs and any d20 roll you make as part of casting a spell or spell-like ability such as a special attack, skill check, or saving throw.

Concentration: This stat no longer exists. Anything that normally penalized specifically concentration checks instead penalizes any d20 roll you make as part of casting a spell or spell-like ability. Anything that normally forced you to roll a concentration check or lose a spell instead has you make a Will (Wisdom) save if it is a charm, emotion, enchantment, illusion, or mental effect or a Fortitude (Constitution) save if it is not.

Schools, Subschools, and Descriptors: Abjuration, illusion, necromancy, and all descriptors are now called subschools. Such spells that create or transport physical objects become conjuration, spells that reveal or intuit information become divination, spells with the charm, compulsion, confusion, emotion, language-dependent, or mind-affecting subschools become enchantments, spells that physically alter targets becomes transmutation, and spells that don't meet any of these parameters become evocation.

Special Attacks: Some effects call for a special attack vs. a defense. This means you roll 1d20 + level + associated ability modifier against the target's defense. If there are multiple targets, you roll two attacks. One against the target closest to the epicenter of your attack (or you if it has no epicenter) and one against all other targets comparing it to their defenses and dealing the effect to all of them appropriately. Your spellcasting ability modifier is used for spells unless noted otherwise. If there are multiple defenses, the attack roll must be equal to or greater than both of them to hit.

Spell Resistance: Spell resistance is removed from the game. If you have SR equal to 10 + HD/level/CR or less, then you simply get a +2 racial bonus to saves vs. spells instead. If your SR was higher than this, you get +4 instead. Creatures with Magic Immunity (such as Golems) have a +6 bonus and are only immune to magic with a spell tier equal to half their HD or lower.








