Transmutation (
Action 2 (Somatic, Verbal)
Range touch
Duration permanent or less (Exclusive)
Target 1 object, willing creature, o 5-foot radius of a surface
Check Special attack vs. Fortitude or Reflex
You create a drawing, mark, or writing on the target. This functions as an
Arcane Mark power with half this power's tier. So long as the glyph is activated, you can imbue any other power you know into it and set parameters for this imbued power to activate so long as that power's tier is no greater than the glyph's tier. You can have only one such power imbued in each glyph. You can have multiple glyphs, but like all exclusive effects, you can have only a total number of glyphs active at a time with a cumulative total tiers equal to the highest tier you can activate this power at.
Heightened Higher tiers increase the area and maximum tier of power than can be imbued into the glyph.
Last edited by arkrim, July 24 2023 20:27:54. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.