Evocation (Air)
Action 2 (Somatic, Verbal)
Range melee
Duration 1 round
Target 15-foot cone or 30-foot line
Check Special attack vs. CMD
If the target is diminutive or smaller, they are pushed back as if by a normal bull rush. Every creature in the area also gets a +2 bonus to saves against very hot conditions, severe heat, breath weapons, and saves against cloud vapors and gases (such as cloudkill, stinking cloud, and inhaled poisons) but -2 penalty to Acrobatics checks for 1 round. Paper and other air resistant materials are blown away. Any clouds, fogs, or similar gases in the area are blown pushed out of the area (but not dispelled).
Heightened At tier 1+ the cone area becomes 20 + (tier * 10) feet and the line area is twice this, the bonuses/penalties increase to 2 + tier, and the maximum size creature and objects it can push increases by 1 per tier greater to a max of colossal at tier 7.