Evocation (Cold)
Action 2 (Somatic, Verbal)
Range touch
Duration 1 round
Target 1 creature or object
Check Special attack vs. Fortitude or Reflex
The target takes 1d6 cold damage. If the target is a creature, they are also staggered 1 for 1 round or staggered 2 for 1 round on a critical hit. A creature with a level equal to half your caster level + this spell's tier or lower are staggered  +1 degree worse. A creature with a level equal to your caster level + this spell's tier or greater are staggered -1 degree less (only staggered 1 on a crit and not staggered at all on a hit). If the target is a conductive nonflammable object it chills dealing this persistent damage to anything that touches it within this duration.
Heightened At tier 1+ increase the damage to 2d6 per tier.