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Type: Innate, Flaw, Monster, Racial, Tier 1.
Prerequisite: Revenant or Undead.
Detriment: You must consume nutrients to avoid starvation. What you eat is dependent upon your specific form of undeath. For example, ghoulish undead eat flesh while vampiric undead consume blood and ghostly undead eat memories or souls, etc.
Upgrade This can be taken up to three times. The second time this is taken either the quantity you must eat is roughly ten times what you'd normally expect for a creature your size OR your diet is even more highly restricted such as a ghoul that can only eat creatures of the same type as they were in life or a vampire only able to drink the blood of still-living creatures. If taken a third time, both of these restrictions apply.Last edited by arkrim, February 08 2024 22:18:51. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.
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