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Type: Combat, Magic, Tier 1.
Prerequisite: One of the following: ability to cast spells, arcane pool, or ki pool.
Benefit: When wielding a weapon in one hand and having the other hand free, you can cast a spell immediately after making a weapon attack during the same turn (or vice versa) and reduce the normal multi-action penalty is reduced by 2 for this second action (minimum 0).
Normal: When you make more than one attack action or complex action during your turn, you take a cumulative -5 penalty to all attack rolls, concentration checks, and skill checks made as part of those actions for each one after the first. This penalty resets as soon as your turn ends.
Type: Combat, Magic, Tier 2.
Prerequisite: Spell Combat.
Benefit: The penalty is reduced by 4 (minimum 0).
Type: Combat, Magic, Tier 3.
Prerequisite: Spell Combat, Improved Spell Combat.
Benefit: The penalty is reduced by 6 (minimum 0).Last edited by arkrim, June 29 2023 05:03:38. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.
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