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Type: Combat, Tier 1.
Prerequisite: Proficiency (Light Armor, Shields).
Benefit: Select one type of shield that you're proficient with. While using the selected shield, you can use a reaction to redirect half or all damage from a physical attack to the shield instead of yourself. If the effect targets an area, you cannot direct all the damage to the shield, only half, unless it is a tower shield. If the effect is a spread effect, even a tower shield can't absorb all damage, only half. If this destroys the shield, any remaining damage is dealt to you instead.
Special: This can be taken multiple times, applying to a new selection each time.
Type: Combat, Tier 2.
Prerequisite: Proficiency (Light Armor, Shields), Shield Focus.
Benefit: You ignore the speed penalties of shields you're proficient with. You also ignore the armor check penalties for anything you do one-handedly using a hand that is not holding the shield.
Type: Combat, Tier 3.
Prerequisite: Proficiency (Light Armor, Shields), Shield Focus, Improved Shield Focus.
Benefit: Once per round, you can use Shield Focus as a free action instead of a reaction.
Special: This can be taken multiple times, increasing the tier and number of uses by 1 each time.Last edited by arkrim, June 30 2023 20:31:43. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.
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