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Types: Flaw, Innate, Tier 1.
Prerequisites: Outsider or Undead, not a true neutral alignment.
Detriments: You are dazzled while within 5 feet of a holy/unholy symbol or consecrated/desecrated area of a religion with an alignment opposed to your own. If a living creature within 30 feet brandishes such symbol (1 action) against you, you are demoralized 1 and staggered 1 for 1 round. A Will save vs. DC10 + brandisher's level + brandisher's Charisma modifier reduces the staggered condition by 1. If that creature is a true believer in the faith of the symbol they wield, this DC increases by 4. Even if you're not the target of brandishing, attempting to approach a creature that brandished such a symbol within the last round immediately affects you as if you'd been the target as well.
Special: If taken a 2nd time this worsens to demoralized 2 and staggered 2 and if taken a 3rd time it worsens to demoralized 3 and staggered 3.Last edited by arkrim, February 18 2024 06:37:04. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.
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