A grappled creature is being held in place. They are flat-footed X against everything outside their reach, flat-footed 1/2 X against everything else, clumsy and weakened X for any rolls involved in performing any concentration, somatic, or two-handed actions, cannot become undetected by the effect/creature grappling them while within their reach, and must succeed in a Strength saving throw against the effect DC in order to move:
Critical Success: They can move normally.
Success: They can move but are slowed (this condition's value).
Critical Failure: They fall prone.
*The effect DC is a grappler's Strength DC if you're being physically held by creature or object. If there are multiple grapplers, use the highest DC.
*Forcibly moving a grappled creature also requires the effect's attack roll to beat this DC. On a critical success the grappled creature is separated from the grappler. On a regular success, the grappler can choose to move with the forcibly moved creature.
- Grappled 2 (Entangled): Concentration, material, somatic, two-handed, and verbal actions all provoke attacks of opportunity from the grappler. This is in addition to any already provoked by such actions.
- Grappled 3 (Restrained): Unable to perform any actions that require somatic components or that require the use of two-hands working together.
- Grappled 4 (Pinned): Helpless.