Persistent Damage
Energy Drained
Conditions are temporary effects that adjust how a character can or can’t interact with their environment and other creatures.
Conditions are split into multiple stages ranging from 1 to 5. The higher the stage, the more extreme the condition. Unless noted otherwise, special attacks deal a stage 3 condition on a critical hit, stage 2 on a hit, stage 1 on a miss, and nothing on a critical miss.
Every interval of time, the creature suffering a condition makes a free save against it at the start of their turn (usually Will for emotion or mental effects and Fortitude for most other effects). The condition is reduced by 2 stages on a critical success, 1 stage on a success, 0 stages on a failure, and increases by 1 stage on a critical failure. If the stage is reduced to 0 or less, the condition is removed. Unless noted otherwise, the interval of time is 1 action round.
Some conditions have the “affliction” tag, meaning their stages are unique and may have variable combinations of other conditions. Afflictions have their own description.
Some conditions have the “shake off” tag, meaning a creature suffering the condition can use the Shake it Off action to make another save against it. Unlike the free save made on every interval, a critical failure when shaking it off never increases the stage.
Some conditions have the “virulent” tag, meaning that the stage automatically increases by 1 at every interval in addition to the effects of the save.
If an effect doesn't have a listed information assume the following:
- Save: Fortitude.
- DC for Persistent Damage: DC10 + stage + damage taken.
- DC for other effects: 15 + level of the creator of the effect or DC10 + half damage taken, whichever is greater.
Pathfinder 1e to Trailblazer Conditions.
Sensory blindness is a condition that makes it difficult for a creature to use a particular sense such as hearing, seeing, smelling, etc.
A creature suffering from a form of sensory blindness takes a penalty to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks reliant on that sense such as attack rolls with ranged weapons while their sight is hindered, Perception checks to hear hidden creatures while their hearing is hindered, Dexterity-based skill checks while their tactile sense is hindered, or Will saves against a visual illusion when their sight is hindered. This penalty is equal to double this condition’s stage.
Suffering sensory blindness for multiple senses do not stack penalties, you merely take the worst.
Suffering sensory blindness on precise senses allows you to choose which precise sense you use when you act, typically allowing you to choose whichever is least hindered. Sensory blindness on a precise sense causes you to become Clumsy, Distracted, and Weakened with a stage equal to the least hindered of your precise senses. For example, most creatures only have Sight as their precise sense and all others as imprecise. A creature that had Precise Sense (Tactile) would be able to "see" vibrations in the ground as by Blind Sight (Tremorsense). If they suffered Sensory Blindness (Sight) 4 and Sensory Blindness (Tactile) 2, this would cause them to become Clumsy 2, Distracted 2, and Weakened 2 as their precise sense that is least affected is their Tactile one.
A partially anosmiatic creature has trouble smelling or tasting. They have disadvantage on Perception checks based on smell or taste and advantage on saves against olfactory effects.
Stage 2 (Fully Anosmiatic): An anosmiatic creature can't smell or taste. They automatically fail all Perception checks based on smell or taste and they are immune to olfactory effects.
A partially blinded (dazzled) creature takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and -5 penalty to sight-based Perception checks.
Stage 2 (Blinded): A blinded creature cannot see and automatically fails Perception checks and other activities based on sight, treats everything outside their reach has having total concealment against them, and are immune to visual effects that require them to see the caster or effect such as gaze attacks. Blinded creatures are slowed (DC10 Acrobatics or Perception check resists). Creatures that are blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and aren't slowed b the condition.
Special: Most creatures have sight as their only acute sense. Acute senses allow you to "see" and pinpoint the direction, distance, and position of things you perceive automatically. Non-acute senses merely make you aware that things are nearby without these details. You can use the Search action, to learn these details with a non-acute sense but the DC is typically 15 or the target's Dexterity (Stealth) DC, whichever is greater. Treat creatures perceived only with non-acute senses are concealed at 1 value higher than their actual concealment.
Items reduced to half their hit points or less gain the broken condition. Broken items provide only half the normal bonuses (if any), doubles its normal penalties (if any), and imposes a -2 penalty to all rolls made as a part of using them. Broken weapons only crit on a natural 20 and only deal x2 on a crit. If the item uses up charges, it consumes twice the normal charges when used while broken. Broken items are only worth 50% their normal value (though merchant will typically only pay about 25%). Broken vehicles can only move at half speed.
Stage 2 (Decompiled): An object reduced to 0 hit points is broken into its component parts. It no longer functions as the object it was and its worth as raw materials is only 25% of the object's original value.
Stage 3 (Sinking): A decompiled vehicle begins sinking. It takes roughly 3d6 rounds to sink fully after gaining this condition. Each additional hit on a sinking ship that deals more damage than its hardness reduces the remaining time by 1 round. A ship that sinks completely drops to the bottom of the body of water (or falls from the sky or out of orbit and into atmo). Due to suction, any creature swimming within a distance of the ship equal to its size while sinking and for 1 round after it has sunk must make a Brawn or Swim check DC10 + ship's size or be pulled towards the ship a distance equal to its size every round at the start of their turn. A ship's "size" is 1/5 its height, length, or width, (whichever is greatest).
Stage 4 (Destroyed): An object that's destroyed has been melted to goo, incinerated to ash, or otherwise destroyed beyond the ability to even use it for raw materials. It's value is 0 as even the components to the object are gone.
A clumsy creature suffers disadvantage on all Dexterity-based rolls and DCs. If already suffering disadvantage from another source than this condition, they take an additional -5 penalty to these rolls and DCs.
A compelled creature is given a simple set of instructions to obey by controller. They perceive creatures as friend or foe based on how the controller sees fit, rather than their own normal perceptions. Each round they behave within the parameters of these instructions, they act normally. If they attempt to disobey, disregard, or subvert these instructions (determined by the GM), they must make a Will save against the effect DC. Upon a failure, they temporarily become an NPC controlled by the GM for 1 interval of the effect's duration (max 2 hours). Upon a success, they take 2d10 mental damage per tier of the effect and are staggered for 1 round but can otherwise act normally for that round.
Unless noted otherwise, a creature is not aware they are being compelled or mentally controlled while it's happening but may be able to make skill checks to realize what happened after the fact. If a creature that is made aware that they are under the influence of mind control or commanded to self harm, they can make a new saving throw against the effect to end it. This additional saving throw functions only once per effect when being made aware of the effect and once per command when given a command to self-harm.
Compelling a creature to do self-harm or something that is significantly against their interests or nature grants them a +5 bonus to their saving throws against the effect. Compelling a creature to do something they already wanted to do or something that perfectly suits their interests and nature imposes a -5 penalty to their saving throws. The GM interprets and determines these modifiers, usually based on a character's alignment, motivations, aspirations, reputations, secrets, and influences. For example, a lawful character told to restrain his allies wouldn't necessarily get a bonus to their saving throws, as they perceive allies as enemies while compelled and arresting an enemy is something they would normally do. However, killing a foe without a fair trial or while not doing so in self defense may be against their code of honor, so being told to kill allies that are reluctant to fight back probably would grant them a bonus.
A confused creature cannot willingly help or accept help from others, not even the Aid Another action or harmless effects of any kind. They cannot understand, read, speak, write, or otherwise comprehend any language, and perceive and project all such things as gibberish. They cannot concentrate or use any focus, thought, or verbal components.
When they attempt to move or use any effect that has a target (including basic actions like attacking), they determine the direction of the move or target of the effect randomly. Determine the number of applicable targets they can perceive (up to the nearest 20), assign each a number, and roll a die equal to that number (or that number +1 if it's an odd number). That's the target they affect. They must determine all the variables of the action before making these rolls.
1d8 determines the Cardinal (horizontal) direction and another 1d8 determines the vertical direction (if Climbing, Flying, Gliding, or Swimming). 1 = North/Straight Up, 2 = North East/Up Diagonal, 3 = East/Horizontal, 4 = South East/Down Diagonal, 5 = South/Straight Down, 6 = South West/Down Diagonal, 7 = West/Horizontal, 8 = North West/Up Diagonal.
Stage 3: As stage 2 but the creature is also compelled 2 to attack the nearest creature they perceive, even giving chase and searching for creatures if they know they're nearby but can't see them. If attacked, they will prioritize attacking the last creature or object that attacked them rather than the nearest one. If they are unaware of any other creatures nearby, they'll attack themselves but also defend from their own attacks normally. When attacking, they alternate between lethal and nonlethal attacks randomly (flip a coin to determine it each time).
Stage 4: As stage 3 but compelled 4.
See Shaken.
See Staggered.
See Blinded.
A dead creature's soul leaves their body and their body becomes an object. Creatures typically die due to a failed save against the Fading condition or against a death effect. Dead bodies cannot benefit from normal or magical healing, but the dead can be restored to life via magic or other special means. A dead body decays normally unless preserved, but effects that resurrect the dead also restore the body so that they need not worry about rigor mortis, decomposition, and other conditions that affect dead bodies.
A hearing impaired creature takes a -5 penalty to hearing-based Perception checks and any attack, check, save, or other roll made as part of using any spell or other action that requires verbal components.
Stage 2 (Fully Deafened): A deafened character cannot hear, automatically fails Perception checks based on sound, has a 50% failure chance with any effect that uses verbal components, and is immune to auditory effects.
See the Fading condition.
A distracted creature suffers a -2 penalty to all caster level, concentration, Initiative, and Perception checks, defenses, and saving throws, and cannot take reactions or free actions outside their turn.
Stage 2 (Flat-footed): The penalty worsens to -4 and they cannot benefit from Evasion, Improved Evasion, Greater Evasion, or similar effects.
Stage 3 (Off-guard): The penalty worsens to -6 and attacks against the creature deal half damage on a miss.
Stage 4 (Vulnerable): The penalty worsens to -8 and all attacks made against them automatically threaten a critical hit.
Stage 5 (Helpless): The penalty worsens to -10 and all attacks against them automatically deal maximum damage. Helpless creatures are subject to coup de grace attempts.
Coup De Grace: Delivering a coup de grace is a full-round action (3 action Complex Attack activity) that provokes attacks of opportunity. It functions as a normal weapon attack except it automatically hits and the target must make a Fortitude saving throw DC10 + half damage taken or be reduced to 0 hit points automatically. If already at 0 or less HP, the target dies instead. This is a stage 1 death effect unless the target deals precision damage or crits, in which case it's stage 2 death effect. Mutilating a body is a stage 3 death effect.
Special: Anything that would cause you to "lose your Dex bonus" or "catch you flat-footed" causes you to be off-guard. All creatures are off-guard by default at the start of any scene until their first turn starts. As all creatures have this condition, the Initiative and Perception penalty is ignored unless another creature somehow doesn't suffer it.
See the Fading condition.
A creature with 0 hit points or nonlethal damage equal to or greater than their current hit points gains the fading condition. A fading creature is:
- Immobilized (Slowed 2) (Fortitude DC10 +2 per round they've had this condition)
- Nauseated (Staggered 2).
A fading creature that is conscious or has 0 hit points must make a Fortitude saving throw against DC10 + 2 per round they've had this condition or fall unconscious. If they fail this save while unconscious and at 0 hit points, they die. A fading creature that is unconscious cannot awaken until their hit points are restored to 1 or more above their current nonlethal damage.
If dealt lethal damage while Fading, a creature must make a Fortitude saving throw DC10 + 1/2 damage taken or die. If dealt nonlethal damage, they make the same save but fall unconscious instead of dying.
A creature can only have an amount of nonlethal damage up to their maximum hit point pool. Any additional nonlethal damage is always taken as lethal damage.
Energy Drained/Negative Levels
Effects that deal negative levels deal 3d6 negative energy damage per negative level. The target is also Fatigued for the duration they'd normally have the negative level or Exhausted if it was more than one negative level.
See Slowed.
See Fatigued.
A fascinated creature is is dazed and takes a -2 penalty to Perception checks. Any potential threat, such as a hostile creature approaching, allows the fascinated creature a new saving throw against the fascinating effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the fascinated creature, automatically ends the effect. A fascinated creature’s ally may shake it free of the spell as a standard action.
A fatigued character takes a -2 penalty to all caster checks and Str, Con, and Dex-based defenses and rolls.
Stage 2 (Weakened): As stage 1 but target is also treated as carrying a medium load. If already carrying a medium or heavier load, they're staggered 1 as well.
Stage 3 (Drained): As stage 1 but target is also treated as carrying a heavy load. If already carrying a heavy or heavier load, they're staggered 2 as well.
Stage 4 (Exhausted): As stage 1 but target is also treated as overloaded. If already overloaded, they're staggered 3 as well.
See Off-guard condition.
See Shaken.
See Slowed.
See Off-guard.
See Slowed.
Creatures with the incorporeal condition do not have a physical body. Incorporeal creatures take (and deal) half damage from (and to) all corporeal creatures and corporeal objects. Incorporeal creatures are immune to all attack forms except magical effects (including magic weapons, spells, and supernatural effects), effects that deal energy or mental damage (cold, fire, force, mental, negative energy, positive energy, sonic), attacks with the ghost touch property, and attacks from other incorporeal sources. Incorporeal creatures can also move through corporeal objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain instead of solid objects and vice versa, although being inside a creature or object of greater size can still block line of sight for both the creature inside and those outside.
Invisible creatures are automatically hidden from view and have total concealment as a result.
Hidden: Hidden creatures have a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against opponents that cannot see them and treat all such opponents as Off-guard.
Stealth: Creatures with total concealment or total cover have a +5 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks. Creatures with partial concealment or partial cover have a -5 circumstance penalty to Stealth checks. Creatures with no concealment or cover cannot attempt to hide at all. The Perception DC to spot a creature with concealment or cover is 10 + their circumstance bonus to Stealth checks, if they are not attempting to hide. If they attempt to hide, they make a Stealth check as normal instead.
A nauseated creature is Sickened 1 and Staggered 3.
A partially numbed creature has trouble feeling tactile sensations. They have disadvantage on Perception checks made through tactile senses, their Tremorsense range is halved, and have advantage on saves against tactile effects.
Stage 2 (Fully Numbed): A numbed creature has trouble feeling tactile sensations. Tremorsense is disabled. They are resistant or immune to tactile effects. If immune, they are also clumsy 1.
See Shaken.
A paralyzed creature is Distracted 4 and Staggered 4.
Persistent Damages
A creature taking persistent damage takes the listed amount of damage and makes a saving throw at the start of its turn every round. Unless noted otherwise, the save is Fortitude, DC is 10 + stage
+ damage taken, and damage is 1d6 per stage of the effect.
Critical Success: The effect ends.
Success: Half damage.
Critical Failure: Double damage.
Recovery: A Heal check against the effect's DC can end bleed damage and other skills can be sued to stop other types of damage. The application of any spell or similar that cures hit point damage or counters the damage type being dealt (even if the bleed is ability damage) grants the caster a circumstance bonus to the Heal check equal to 2 + double the spell level.
See Grappled.
A petrified character has been into stone or similar material and is considered unconscious. If broken, the pieces can be rejoined with the body as he returns to flesh, he is unharmed. If the character’s petrified body is incomplete when it returns to flesh, the body is likewise incomplete and there is some amount of permanent hit point loss and/or debilitation.
The creature is lying on the ground and takes a -2 penalty to melee attacks. Attacks against a prone creature have a +2 circumstance bonus if the prone creature is within the attacker's reach or -2 circumstance penalty if the prone creature is not within the attacker's reach. Standing up is single move action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
A repelled creature has -2 penalty on attack rolls against the target of their repulsion, moves at half speed when moving towards the target of their repulsion, and must make a saving throw in order to even attempt either of these actions or take no action on a failure. This is a Will save for fear and other emotion or mind-affecting effects or Fortitude for force effects and similar effects. The saving throw DC is equal to the effect DC or 10 + afflicted creature's level if there is no effect DC.
A shaken creature has a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls and damage rolls and cannot attack or use magical abilities. If they move at least half their base speed away from the source of this condition, they regain the ability to attack and use magical abilities until the start of their next turn. If they cannot perceive the source, moving in any direction also works. If immobilized or otherwise unable to move while afflicted with this condition, using a swift action to cower and babble incoherently works instead but doing so leaves you unable to speak for 1 round.
Stage 2 (Frightened): As stage 1 except they must move at least their full base speed or use 2 actions to cower and babble.
Stage 3 (Panicked): As stage 1 except they must move at least double their full base speed or use 3 actions to cower and babble.
Stage 4 (Manic): As stage 3 except they are also Confused 2.
A sickened creature has a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls and damage rolls and cannot eat, drink, or otherwise imbibe anything.
A silenced creature has a -2 penalty to any roll made as part of using their mouth including bite, breath weapon, and swallow whole attacks, spells and other actions that use verbal components, including those that require them to speak. They have a 50% spell failure when casting any spell with verbal components (even if its not arcane). When they speak, they have to make a Constitution check DC10 + number of words spoken each round or no one can understand them.
Stage 2: Creature is not able to speak or use verbal components or otherwise use their mouth at all. They also cannot breath and immediately being holding their breath.
A slowed creature cannot charge or run and moves at half speed. They can still take a 5-foot step but must do so as a move action (1 action) rather than a free action.
Stage 2 (Immobilized): An immobilized creature is distracted 2 (off-guard) has all their speeds reduced to 0 feet. They can use an action to make a roll (usually a saving throw or maneuver attack) against the effect DC of whatever is immobilizing them to become slowed 1 instead of slowed 2 until the start of their next turn. A critical success allows them to move normally until the start of their next turn. Unless noted otherwise, leaving the range of the effect imposing this condition (such as escaping the reach of a foe grappling you) ends the effect.
Stage 3 (Grappled): A grappled creature is immobilized, takes -2 penalty to all attack rolls and checks except for checks against the grappler and weapon attacks against the grappler using light or natural weapons. Any attempt to cast a spell or concentrate while grappled requires a Concentration check with a DC equal to the grappler's Stability. Magical effects that grapple creatures have a Stability of 10 + caster level + stage of effect being used unless noted otherwise.
Stage 4 (Pinned): A pinned creature is tightly bound and can take few actions. A pinned creature is grappled and helpless and worsens the penalty from grappled to -5.
See the Fading condition.
A staggered creature cannot take free actions or reactions, though they can use an action during their turn to do something that would normally be a free action.
Stage 2 (nauseated): As stage 1 but they are limited to only 2 actions during their turn.
Stage 3 (dazed): As stage 1 but they are limited to only 1 action during their turn.
Stage 4 (stunned): As stage 1 but they cannot take any actions at all. Upon becoming stunned, a creature releases everything they are holding, ceases concentrating, and falls prone. Some effects "stun" a creature "until the start of the target's next turn", essentially only causing them to drop what they're holding and be unable to act until their next turn.
See Staggered.
An unconscious creature is Staggered 5 (Stunned), Off-guard 5 (Helpless), and unaware of their surroundings for as long as they have this condition.