A confused 1 creature is staggered 1 and cannot willingly give or accept help, not even the Assist action or harmless effects. They also cannot use harmless effects on anyone but themselves.
- Confused 2: Creature is disoriented 1 and cannot understand or communicate in any language perceiving and expressing everything as gibberish regardless whether its signed, spoken, telepathic, written, etc.
- Confused 3: Creature is compelled 2 to attack the last creature that attacked them that they can perceive. If they don't perceive any attackers, they are compelled to attack the nearest creature they perceive. If they don't perceive any creatures, they are compelled to attack themselves but also defend from attack normally. If they choose to do nothing or can't obey the compulsion, they spout gibberish instead.
- Confused 4: Creature is compelled 4 to follow the same behavior listed in confused 3.