This condition applies to sight unless noted otherwise. Most creatures have sight as their only acute sense. Acute senses allow you to "see" and pinpoint the general appearance, direction, distance, and position of things you perceive. Non-acute senses merely make you aware that things are nearby without such details. You can use the Search action, to learn the details with a non-acute sense but the DC is typically 10+5 per detail sought or the target's Dexterity (Stealth) DC, whichever is greater. Treat creatures perceived only with non-acute senses are concealed at 1 value higher than their actual concealment.
- Blinded 1-3 (Dazzled/Partial Sensory Loss): A creature suffering sensory loss suffers a penalty equal to this condition's value to all attack rolls, Wisdom-based saves, and Wisdom-based checks reliant on that sense. However, they gain a bonus equal to this value to saves against non-illusions that affect that sense. For example, a creature who's eyesight was Blinded 2 would have a +2 bonus to saves against a visual effect such as Medusa's Stonegaze attack but a -2 penalty to all other attacks, saves, and checks using eyesight.
- Blinded 4 (Sensory Blindness/Total Sensory Loss): They automatically fail the saves and checks this condition penalizes and automatically pass saves it provides a bonus to.
- Anosmiatic: An anosmiatic creature has trouble smelling and/or tasting. They are resistant or immune to olfactory effects.
- Blinded: A blinded creature has trouble seeing. They are resistant or immune to visual effects.
- Deafened: A deafened creature has trouble hearing. They also have trouble with any check that requires them to utilize speech or verbal components. They are resistant or immune to auditory effects.
- Numbed: A numbed creature has trouble feeling tactile sensations. Tremorsense is disabled. They are resistant or immune to tactile effects. If immune, they are also clumsy 1.