The Office of Peace and Security, usually known as OPS, is the police force for Gadrin and Hedrett. Several of Cularin's platform cities also had OPS divisions in their cities, while others supplied their own police forces. OPS also has some jurisdiction over the unsettled jungles of Cularin, sometimes taking action against smugglers or other criminals who attempted to hide their illegal activities in the forests.
In Gadrin and Hedrett, the security forces of the local trading concerns have jurisdiction that superseded OPS in cases directly affecting the trading concern and their industrial security. They have the right to arrest and interrogate suspects, though those suspects ultimately will be turned over to OPS for punishment. OPS is responsible for reviewing the security forces to make sure they were competent, with the power to withdraw temporarily or permanently their permits.
The uniform for OPS Police officer consisted of pressed whites.
Last edited by Yaztromo, May 31 2018 02:08:53. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.