Nub Saar was the first floating city built on the gas world of Genarius.
Nub Saar was built quickly under the direction of a Trandoshan named Russok but as it attracted little settling in its first two months, Russok offered rewards to obtain more citizens.
Unfortunately, Nub Saar had not been built to withstand the harsh radiation storms of Genarius. All the original 4,500 settlers got radiation sickness from the first storm to hit the city. Some 2,500 left after that. Seventeen workers of the remaining 2,000 died after the next, half-hour storm hit, after which another thousand workers left. Only the skeletal remains of the city remained after a more potent storm hit the city. Russok and the other thousand workers were presumed dead. The city was operative only for four months since its founding.
Last edited by Yaztromo, July 24 2019 14:52:45. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.