Filordi (singular, Filordus) are sapients indigenous to Filordis.

The Filordi are a species of asexual, sentient, six-limbed quadrupeds that stood at a about 1.4 meters in height. A Filordus, the singular term by which members of the species were known, had an unusual body shape and possessed two arms that hung from shoulders on their upper body, each with a three-fingered hand, with two long, spindly front legs attached to their abdomen. A set of shorter, stubbier back legs extruded from their hind quarters, and though they normally walked on all four of their legs, Filordi were capable of rising up onto their rear set of legs to walk in a bipedal fashion. However, they found walking in this manner to be tiring and walked less quickly when standing on two legs than they could on all four. At the ends of their legs, they had two large, flat back feet and a pair of smaller, more curved, front feet. Each of their feet culminated in a set of pincer-like toes which could be used for fighting, with the toes on their front set of legs facing rearwards and their back set of toes facing forwards.

Filordi have humanoid-like faces with two eyes, a mouth, a nose and two large ears that can fold down over the rest of their face and be used to shield their eyes during windy and rainy conditions. Due to the large size of their ears, the Filordi possess good hearing that allows them to pick out sounds from among the roaring winds of their homeworld Filordis, though their increased sensitivity to sound also make them vulnerable to sonic attacks. Filordi are covered in a coat of short hair and some member of their species are orange in color, while others are covered in blue stripes.

Filordi have no gender and reproduce on death: a week after a Filordus passes away an infant Filordus will emerge and crawl out from the corpse of its predecessor.
The Filordi are a resourceful and intelligent species that is adaptable to whatever circumstances they find themselves in. Filordi are creative and driven by a persistent desire to be successful, which leads them to become ruthless and opportunistic. However, they are often short-sighted in their goals and will consume all resources that they obtain with no thought to the longer-term sustainability of their lifestyles. Their resilient nature helps the Filordi to survive on their homeworld Filordis, a rocky wasteland-covered world that is prone to thunderstorms and strong winds, and the two primary aims of most Filordi are to make their homeworld a less hostile environment and to leave Filordis altogether.

When fighting in a brawl, a Filordus will typically crouch onto its back legs and use its arms and pincers to attack its opponents.

Motivated by their desire to make their world a safer place, the Filordi actively terraformed their homeworld to make it less inhospitable. At some point after its founding in 350 BBY, the Filordi became a member species of the Trade Federation, a powerful trade and shipping concern that operated throughout the galaxy. During the last decades of the Galactic Republic, the Federation fell under the influence of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and he directed the corporation to initiate plans to invade the planet Naboo. The Filordi and the Caarites, another member species of the Federation, objected to the plans, and, in 33 BBY, after holding secret negotiations on Filordis between representatives of both species, the Caarites persuaded the Filordi to join with them and breakaway from the Trade Federation to found the Metatheran Cartel, a rival shipping concern. The Cartel subsequently entered into direct competition with the Federation and the Caarites and the Filordi attempted to discredit their former partners by exposing some of the Federation's unethical practices.