"You must learn to channel your power, give it an avenue to expand and grow with you..."

Quick Explanation of Character Focus

A Focus is something that makes you truly unique. No two characters in a campaign share the same focus. A focus gives you additional abilities beyond your Type, and will grow with you each Tier as you advance. Your focus will also give you a unique connection to one other character in the campaign. You choose the connection from a few options, and the PC to connect to. Then, the player you chose gets to iron out the specifics with you.

You'll want to determine how you got your special abilities once you've chosen your Foci. The specifics are up to you (or can be randomly rolled if you wish). Some examples:

Available Descriptors

Adapts to Any EnvironmentBasks in the SunBattles AutomatonsBears a Halo of Fire
Binds to a Single WeaponBonds with Symbiotic ArmorCarries a QuiverCommands Mental Powers
Conducts Weird ScienceConsorts With the DeadConstantly EvolvesControls Beasts
Controls GravityCrafts IllusionsCrafts Unique ObjectsDefends the Weak
Employs MagnetismEntertainsExists in Two Places at OnceExists Partially Out of Phase
Explores Dark PlacesExplores Deep WatersFights DirtyFights with Panache
Focuses Mind over MatterFocuses Two PersonalitiesFuses Flesh and SteelFuses Mind and Machine
Howls at the MoonHunts AbhumansHunts MutantsHunts with Great Skill
InfiltratesIntegrates WeaponryIs Licensed to CarryIsn't
LeadsLives in the WildernessLives on the RoadLooks for Trouble
Masters DefenseMasters InsectsMasters WeaponryMetamorphosizes
MurdersNeeds No WeaponNever Says DieOperates Undercover
Performs Feats of StrengthPossesses a Shard of the SunProcesses InformationRages
Reforges CompletelyRegenerates TissueRides the LightningSees Beyond
Separates Mind from BodySiphons PowerSolves MysteriesSpawns
Stands Like a BastionTalks to MachinesThrows with Deadly AccuracyTravels Through Time
Wears a Sheen of IceWields Power with PrecisionWields to Weapons at OnceWorks Miracles
Works the Back AlleysWorks the System