
An organization is just your collection of employees, no matter what skills they have.  Most householders start with a few basic employees, but you can add to them (by adding extra rooms to your home) or upgrade existing employees to be more effective.  There is a cost to upgrading staff, although that can be paid in Gold or Building Credit.

Smaller homes, without accommodation for live in Servants, are restricted to part-timers, who are all L1 Commoners without any craft or profession skills.  You must have a house or building that lists accommodation for staff, if you wish to employ any of the staff listed below.


Some staff members arrive almost as soon as the building is finished.  Everyone in Netherworld is expected to contribute, somehow.  Many spend their time as gardeners, keeping the Crop Fields, Orchard and other areas neat and tidy, some work at the market, for the NSA or at the Inn.  For most people, there are few opportunities for the work they have been trained for, or to get any training themselves.  Those who have skills, appreciate the opportunity to use them, others want to learn.

Part-time Staff

A Cook/Housekeeper (Commoner, Prof:House-Keeper +4, Craft:Cook +4) makes sure that there is always food available for you (although sometimes it might be cold cuts), along with an unskilled commoner to help with cleaning and other chores.  Your house is always clean, tidy and well stocked with the basics.

Servants - For larger houses, a team of five servants, led by a Cook/Housekeeper, move in.  The servants might be male or female, and wear a house uniform.  Your house and gardens (if you have them) are always kept in an immaculate condition, and there are hot meals twice a day, when you are home.

Footmen - Are more sophisticated servants (Expert-1), with Diplomacy and Sense Motive skills. They greet your guests at the door, wait at table during meals, run errands and message, or act as a valet or ladies maid.  They are trained in basic combat skills, and offer a low level of household protection.   However, unless you buy more sophisticated gear for them, they wear your house Uniform and have access to a club. Footmen (despite the name) might be male or female.

Assistants - Assistants are trained in one craft or profession, and have the skill focus feat to compliment it.  Most are Experts, skilled in a single craft or profession (+8), although in some cases they might be Adepts (to serve an Altar) or Warriors to serve in a military establishment.  Most are Level-1, although (in exceptional circumstances) they may be Level-2.  Again, they may be male or female.

Followers - Schools have followers, rather than servants, with classes that vary according to the class of the Principal.  However, they are all Level-1 with an NPC class, although most are Adepts, Experts or Warriors.  They live in, and look after most of your household needs, although they are supported by a couple of part-time servants, in return for the opportunity to learn.

Aides - are the most senior of staff members and are Level-3 in an NPC class, although the class will vary according to their roles and take up twice as much space as a normal follower, servant or footman.  Schools have a single Aide to help out with training and to run the school while the principal is away from home.  A large house might employ an Aide to serve as Steward (cost 200gp) if they have enough accommodation space available.  Aides are often known by a title, such as Lieutenant in a military school, Sub-Prior in a religious school or Steward in a large house or castle.

Staff Upgrades

When you upgrade staff, you have to pay a fee for their extra training.  This can be paid in either gold or Netherworld Building Credit.  Note that you might need to add  extra rooms to accommodate upgraded staff.

Equerries 170gp - Equerries are Footmen with extra training and better equipment.  They still provide the same services as normal footmen, but they are Expert-2, wear a reinforced tunic in your house colours and carry a concealed dagger as well as their club. They are just that bit tougher and trained to think like soldiers -  which makes your household that little bit more secure.   Equerries only need the same living space as footmen, and are a direct replacement.  You can provide better arms and armour for your Equerries, if you want a more militarized presence.

Senior Servants 120gp - You must have space for ten basic servants, before you take on a team of three senior servants. These three Senior servants take up as much space in your house as five normal servants do. These are level-1 Experts who take over running your house and estate.  Each of them will have +8 in a single professional skill, such as Butler, Chef or Gardener.  They make sure that you have the best service available and that your household runs smoothly.  Once you have senior servants, you can start to live as a hero (or noble) should.  The can replace your footmen, but cannot replace your normal servants.