The Netherworld Wiki

"The Keeper keep us."

Game Setting

Netherworld is a small demi-plane, somewhere on the Astral Plane.  It is home to two powerful beings, The Keeper (who controls the plane) and Nishka (a servant of magic), but it is administered by The Librarian, a middle-aged half-elf who might have been around forever.

As Demi-planes go, it is unsophisticated.  In many places the 'sky' is only 15 feet above the ground, there is no weather.  The sky is always 'overcast' but there are twelve hours of daylight and eight hours of 'moonlit' night, with dawn and dusk periods to round out a twenty-four-hour day.

Much of the plane is town-like, stone walled buildings with courtyards, connected by similar looking walkways.  However, some areas are filled with plant life, The Farmland and Orchard, Heroes Wood and Heroes Field provide green space, areas for crops and homes for heroes.  They are all very quiet, with next to no animal life of any sort, but plants and crops, from many different climates, all grow well, with little cultivation required.

Experienced planar travellers and casters can tell that the create demi-plane spell has built it, but it is large and permanent.  It is the home of a quasi-deity.

Netherworld is home to a few mortals, no more than a few hundred, who have, somehow, found their way here.  Many will tell you they were travelling somewhere, and looking for shelter or running from danger, or perhaps trying to hide from an oppressor.  They ran into a forest, fell into a stream, hid in a cave, or even just ducked through the nearest open door -  then they were here.  They soon found out that life was much easier here.  For a few hours work, they could earn a basic living -  with a roof over their heads and food on the table.  Few have ever asked to go home - and a few have set up in business.

Many Adventurers find their way here, as well - and The Keeper always manages to find them jobs and new adventures.  They keep coming back for the work, and to shop with the Netherworld's traders.

Demographics - The people of Netherworld.
Economics - While cash is always welcome -  most Netherworld business is conducted in Credits.
The Main NPCs - The Keeper, Nishka, The Agent & The Librarian

Travelling to and from Netherworld - How the gates between Netherworld and other planes work.

House Rules

Crafting Times - Based on the Alternate Crafting Rules presented about 2/3 of the way down  This page on the Pathfinder SRD site.

Business - Home, Merchant-Venturer and full-time businesses for PCs, covering types of business and background income.

Building a Home - Guidance for building your home, or stronghold, in Netherworld.


Plan map of Netherworld


Wayfarers Inn - The centre of the world -  Culturally and Literally.  This is where adventurers tend to congregate, and where The Keeper puts together adventuring parties to do tasks for him.

The Hub - The central core of Netherworld that acts as the main street.  It surrounds  the Inn and gives access to many other buildings.
-> -> Hub Market
-> -> The Agents Office
-> -> The Library
-> -> Craft Workshops
-> -> Crafters' Corner
-> -> The Netherworld Security Agency

Heroes Field - A parkland with a central lake surrounded by wildflowers - with a pleasant path for strolling.  It can be accessed from the North and West wings.

Heroes Wood - a small woodland composed of an eclectic mix of trees and bushes, with clarly marked footpaths for strolling.  It can be accessed from the North and East Wings, as well Esmerelda's smallholding.

North Wing - Home to orchards and pastures, this is the nearest thing Netherworld gets to countryside.  At the end there is an orchard which contains a planar portal.
-> -> Esmerelda's Roots, brews, and remedies - does what it says on the tin!

West Wing - Lined by long canal-like ponds full of rice.  It leads to a planar portal with a pond set inside a tent.
-> -> Lilianne's - Purveyors of Magical  Scrolls, Potions, Wands, Holy Water and other interesting things.

East Wing - The residential wing, this formal walkway ends in a door that opens onto other worlds.

South Wing - It soon closes over to make a cave, which leads to an underground planar portal.