Security Upgrades and Fortification

Security Upgrades
These upgrades are only available for Large Homes and Schools, they make your home a  bit more secure, rather than turn it into a real stronghold.  They are good for deterring thieves and casual raids, but don’t make it properly defensible. They cost a percentage of the original building costs.

Note: You may (generally)only buy these upgrades once per building. The costs vary, according to the size of your property.  If you add new buildings, after these upgrades, you will be able to ‘buy’ the upgrades for those buildings later.

Military Upgrades
You must have purchased External Security and External Walls (Villa and Schools only) before you can add any of these upgrades.

The following buildings count towards a Compound’s space allowance. Towers are generally built in corners or alongside the walls.

The following items require a compound, and are built into the walls, but DO NOT count towards a Compound’s space allowance.  They can be applied once per compound.