Heroes Wood
Heroes Wood is an eclectic mix of trees that you wouldn’t expect to find together - in any world. Clumps of Acai Palms, with their thin trunks, spreading fronds and hanging fruit, provide the high canopy about fifty feet above the ground. Small Chestnut trees, rise almost as high, with branches starting about ten feet above the ground. They cast a dappled shade and their branches are suitable for a single story tree house, about fifteen feet above the ground. In between there are apple and orange trees, along with a few small oak trees. The understory is composed of a mixture of midsized ferns and plants (such as Blueberry and Quince and Dragon Fruit) which provide many a small, and cosy, grove.
Alton Chasmyr's home - A door in the rock face is surrounded by climbing roses, is set with a small grilled window and is next to a very small pond. The sign on the door says Alton Chasmyr.
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