Background Income Calculations

House Rules

Home Businesses get 1/3 of the generated  income (this is half the rate for a  'normal' town) to represent the fact this is a background activity performed by staff.
Each development comes with one member of staff with Prof:Merchant +4.  But note, some buildings do not meet the minimum investment criteria, so use a lower modifier.  For each extra development, the 'Take10' value reduces by 2, to a minimum of 4.  This represents the extra work of managing more than one 'department' of the business.

Home businesses may benefit from a maximum of two Economic Developments that produce a Background Income.

Merchant Venturers, follow the same rules, but get the same amount of XP as Credit, which represents the shorter time they spend adventuring, and their own, greater, input to the business element of their investments.

Merchant Venturers may own a maximum of their Level in Economic Developments that produce a Background Income.  For example:  A level 4 character may benefit from four economic developments

Full-Time Traders follow the same rules as Merchant Venturers, but may use their own Prof:Merchant skill and do not suffer the -2 penalty, as they are available to run their business full-time.