
These rules will be implemented shortly.

Every Economic Development generates an income, of some sort, for its owner and workers.  For most characters this all goes on in the background, for dedicated crafters and merchants, whose main function is running their business, rather than adventuring, they are a bit more comprehensive.

Within Netherworld

If your business, or craft shop, is located in Netherworld, you will receive your rewards in Netherworld Credit.  80% will be General Credit that can be spent with other crafters or stores.  20%  will be as Building Credit that can only be used towards new developments for your home or business.

This is always a background activity and is awarded once every (RL) Calendar year.  It uses a (tweaked) version of the Alternate Profession rules, that is designed to give you a small reward for interacting with the Netherworld development systems.  Don't get too excited, it is a small reward, of a few hundred GPs worth of Credit per year - not (generally) enough to have a big impact on your adventuring resources.

Economic Developments - a list of those developments that will provide a background income.

Background Income - a small role-playing reward for  using getting involved in Netherworld.

Why use this system, rather than the Pathfinder Downtime Rules?  With the tweaks, it comes out about the same, and is a lot easier to calculate and maintain.  That leaves GMNMs more time for running games.

Home Businesses

A Home business is when a Character has a craft workshop (or a similar development, with assistants) as part of their home.  Home Businesses allow the PC to craft items for their own benefit, rather than to provide a goods or services for sale to visiting PCs.  Crafting gear for yourself or friends is a Role-Play activity.

However, when the PC is not using the facilities, the assistants make everyday items for sale in The Hub Market.  This business is conducted in the background, but generates a small income for the homeowner, and does not require intervention from the PC.  Income is in Netherworld Credit, and is generated using an abridged version of the Pathfinder Downtime rules.  Home businesses do not generate as much income as other businesses, and there are limits on the income that an adventuring PC gets from their home business.  Think of this as a small reward for you Role Playing, rather than a major income generating activity.

Merchant Venturer Businesses

Most of the designated crafter characters go on small adventures that allow them to explore the planes, discover new crafting techniques and collect interesting ingredients and reagents.  However, their trips are shorter, less intense and they get smaller rewards.  They have more involvement in running their business, and are always at home when PCs vist and are always available to buy, sell or deal with orders for new items - magic or mundane.

Rewards for a Merchant-Venturer, come from  trading with other PCs, running their business and tradition XP and gold rewards from their ventures into other planes.

Merchant Venturers can benefit from more Econmic Developments that than Adventuring PCs, and earn both Credit and XP from background sales conducted by their Businesses.


Full-Time Businesses

A Full-Time business is the main activity for a Character who does not go adventuring, and have stay in Netherworld the whole time. At Present, this covers The Hub Market and Lilliane.  These businesses are always available to take commissions from, and sell items to, any visiting or resident PCs.  This is pure Role-Playing activity.

Full-Time business people also collect Credit and XP for their businesses, but have the advantage of being able to use their own Prof: Merchant skills, rather than that assigned to an assistant, which generates a slightly larger income.

Off World Businesses

NOTE: - These 'rules' may not hold for businesses in game worlds that are currently being used for Adventuring Groups.  In which case, the DM's house rules will apply.  They will hold for environments designed, solely, for the Merchant Venturer group.

Fully Owned Business

If your character owns 100% of the business, you will get 100% of the profit.  Note, however, that you will have to employ a manager to run the business on your behalf, and calculations will be made using the NPC Manager's Merchant skill. In some circumstances you will be able to Aid Another and gain a +2 bonus to their score.

The income from these businesses is always in GP - although the type of coin will vary according to the setting.

Note, however, that businesses in other settings, do not cost the same as in Netherworld.  To start with, most Netherworld developments are generally cheaper, because The Keeper does all the building work.  Second, local taxes apply - so you may find that prices in a city increase (often significantly) while it might  (occasionally) be cheaper to build small settlements.

Building Based Income - Income Generation for building based businesses.

Note: The Netherworld Settlement Size modifier will be applied to profits, as agreed by all DMs.

Business Investments

Investing in shared business ventures, uses the same rules as owning a business outright.  However, you get a proportion of the profit, that is equal to the proportion of the business that you own.  Again, there will be a deduction for the manager's wages, before profit is calculated.

Investments are only be available the discretion of your GM.