The Keeper is happy to build homes for Netherworld residents, although there is a price, which can be paid in Netherworld Credit or gold from adventuring.
Prices are based on buildings in the Pathfinder Downtime rules. However, they have been modified, slightly, to fit the setting. If you want to build a custom home, you should discuss it with The Librarian.
All Heroes' homes come with basic staff (see the Staff section below). Small homes have a couple of part-time servants, who come in on a daily basis. Larger homes, have a team of live-in servants to carry out the basic chores around the house and a team of five footmen, who open doors, carry parcels, provide personal service, and very basic security.
Workshops count as Masterwork Tools (+2) come with an assistant who can provide an automatic Aid Another, for a +2 on the PCs rolls. They also provide a small background income for the PC.
Schools come with an Aide, who helps to run the school, and followers, rather than live-in servants. They, too, provide a small background income from the PC.
- Homes - List of standard homes.
'Staff' is just your collection of employees, no matter what skills they have. Most householders start with a few basic employees, but you can add to them (by adding extra rooms to your home) or upgrade existing employees to be more effective. There is a cost to upgrading staff, although that can be paid in Gold or Credit. If you add military buildings, you can employ your own guards.
- Household Staff - Servants, Footmen etc.
- Military Staff - Professional Guards, that are only available after some security and fortification upgrades.
Upgrading your Home
Once you have built a basic home, you can upgrade it in a number of different ways
- General Upgrades - Additional spending, to enhance the quality of your home.
- Security and Fortification - Everything you need to make your home safe, and even turn it into a small castle (if you push the developments far enough)