Katarzyna Majchrzak
Katarzyna was originally found while the Mad Dogs were returning from their mission to Silesia. She was discovered while she was bringing a sick young boy for medical aid to the small town of Brukniewo. She ended up accompanying the Mad Dogs all the way to Gdansk, and now lives in Kaminski's compound with the other civilians. Not one for combat, Katarzyna typically fulfills her day by acting as the unit's cook and seamstress.

Additional Info:
Katarzyna "Kat" Majchrzak (NOVICE)
- Language(s): Polish (Fluent) / English (Weak)
- Non-Combat Skills: Farming, Survival, Persuasion
- Clothing: Civilian clothing, civilian thermals, civilian parka
- Protective Kit: None
- Other Kit: None
- Primary Weapon: Blade
- Additional Weaponry: None
Bio: Kat is a 30-something hard working female. Originally from the Grudziadz region, she left for a better life in Gdansk following a chance encounter with the Mad Dogs. She takes care of the group's kitchen and other domestic needs now. Majchrzak has no combat training or experience. She is always willing to help with whatever is asked of her, but it's her way to nevertheless complain and grumble over it.

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