Since the planet is tidally locked, half of Proxima is continuously exposed to the red dwarf, that produces 0.015 L, but emits UV and solar wind with a vengeance. Due to these conditions, the exposed side could not maintain an atmosphere before the colonization process began.

It took the 40's for the conversion shield to be completed ; before then, only the belt (the area located on the border of the dark side, also known as the terminator area)was protected and viable.

But thanks to Pin Point Barrier technology, a large network of satellites has been deployed to adjust the light and radiation on the illuminated side of Proxima.

Atmospheric parameters have been stable for nearly ten years, and the terraforming process is well on its way.

Due to the fargile nature of the eco-system, only a handfull of colonists has been allowed to settle the terraformed zone ; these pilot communities produce fresh goods and serve as a poster for the environmental policy of the government.

Since 2046, the governement gave the green light to multiple resort projects, as to counter the many emigration visas submissions from the planet's youth.



Months away to be ready for full-scale settlement, the Northern district is now home to the new capital City of Proxima: New Alexandria.

The small town of Kimon Fields is also located in the Northern District, it has a reputation for producing the best rice.


Current focus area for the terraforming process, there is a massive bio-engineery facility ; other than the personel of the terraforming teams, the military is the only settler of the area, with its PSDF Jungle Warfare Center.


The southern district is a sad reminder of an earlier settlement effort, one that ended in disaster with the conversion field giving up and the entire city of Medupesburg turning into a burning crisp. The area is off-limits to civilians, barren and hot as hell itself.

It is rumored that the PSDF has a special facility in the area.