Setting Information

Brief History

The "Brethren" were here first, created by the Earth Mother (Gaia) and the Sky Father (Cernunnos).  The Brethren consist of the fey, animals, plants, vermin, and other sentient original races.  In the mythology of the world, gnomes, halflings, goblins, hobgoblins, etc. are all a part of the fey - some loosely, others more directly tied to it.  This puts them in their rightful place from real world mythology.  Dwarves joined the Brethren later and a place called the Waking Waters made any gave sentience and anthropomorphic bodies to any who drank from it. The Fey consists of two courts: the Seelie and the Unseelie. Un-allied fey do exist (the Greys), but they are constantly harassed by the two Courts.

Then you have the humans.  A race created by the Elders, uber gods that tried to come in and take over the world millennia before this current game.  They set up the pantheon of deities to get humans to worship them.  There were two Brethren Wars (Brethren vs. humans) and after the second the fey were shot off into a separate plane along with the Sky Father.  Gaia remained.

Then there are the nightmare creatures, the aberrations and undead.  They seeped in due to the dark magic some of the fey (eventually Unseelie) were using in the second Brethren War.  Aberrations are going to use the Cthulu mythos for power and origin and undead are from the negative plane...entire cities of them.

Then there are the magical beasts.  All the magic in the world has created some creatures and the overuse of it has created a lot of them.  So, even before this game, the planes have had an affect on the Prime.

Finally, the elves were run off a distant world and lead from it by their pantheon of deities and landed on Ersadia.  Many of them adapted to the planes that they crossed over or to the Prime here.  Ersadia has a weird calendar (think a week of night, day, dawn and dusk spread throughout the year) and so they began to adapt and change. Hence the elven subraces.

I didn't get into outsiders, constructs or anything like that because that's a separate explanation in and of itself.  What I've told you is history and so any "scholar" or Knowledge(history) would know most of it.  Outsiders are different and what the campaign is about.


Campaign Traits


Demon = At the game's beginning, this creature subtype is unknown to scholars. It can be used to refer to evil spirits in the vein of theological discussions.
Devil = At the game's beginning, this creature subtype is unknown to scholars. It can be used to refer to evil spirits in the vein of theological discussions.
Fiend = any evil outsider or generic evil spirit.