Building a Home

Note:  This system is not complete.  It still needs some fleshing out and a whole page full of Building Clusters.

The following lists describe some of the rooms that you can use to upgrade your home or business.  They are priced in Netherworld Credits, which will come as another form of reward, from your DM, along with Experience and Loot.  However, like all DM awards - they will vary, based on how much you are seen to help The Innkeeper, Nishka or The Librarian.  You can spend them as soon as you can afford the rooms or upgrades that you want, or you can save them up for a block purchase.

One thing you will notice, is that there aren't many Military Options and those few are restricted.  That is because we don't see Netherworld as a place for large armies or military strength.  That might change at some point -  but not in the foreseeable future.

Dedicated crafting characters will normally start with a Home or a Business of some sort - built of rooms from the Basic list.  Adventuring PCs start from scratch.

These lists are not exhaustive.  If you want something that isn't here, speak to The Librarian.

Room Lists Lists of rooms available when developing a home in netherworld.
Staff Lists Lists of staff available when developing a home in netherworld.