An elf and longtime brothel madam, Dardlara arrived in Freehold shortly after the completion of the town center, while the mining expedition was away during the first half of Eleint, 1373DR.

Though not a prostitute, herself, Dardlara's long life has afforded her the opportunity to test and succeed at many business models until arriving at the tightly efficient method she now uses. Unlike Vio Belc, the closest thing she has to a competitor, Dardlara is a ruthless and uncompromising businesswoman who tolerates little in the way of foolishness, and has no qualm with reminding others about it. While neither a bad nor necessarily unforgiving person, the madame is bluntly-spoken and stern; this became evident immediately when she petitioned the First Freehold Council to officially declare prostitution legal in the settlement so that she could conduct business, a motion briefly derailed by Adrian Fisher and, subsequently, a loudly unhappy Dardlara before the Council intervened.

Following the completion of the town center, Dardlara opened the Black Orchid Bordello for business, staffing the four courtesans she had brought with her to Freehold: Fijit, Ilaine, Jasmal, and Lyros.

Originally a PC, Dardlara was converted to an influential NPC when her player retired.