Ravenna Gilliannis

Independent defender of Mulcrow's southeastern wilderness.  Half-elven ranger.  Established a camp with like-minded woodsman, hunters and loggers between Cedar Creek and Griffondale.  Expert woodcrafter, her wares can be had at Burl And Briar located in Griffondale.  Proceeds go to supplying her camp.

Marley Hutchens

Farmer living on a hill overlooking the hamlet of Tomlin, southeast of Griffondale.  Also grows a few herbs/mushrooms and harvests non-magical crystals in his caves.  Helps provide for his sisrer-in-law Sarah, and niece Emily after his brother was killed by goblins a few years ago.


Lord Cyrus Endicott

Middle-aged man who owns the vineyards outside of town and runs the winery.  Descended from a respected knight in the Duke's service, though it has been several generations since an Endicott has taken up a sword in battle.  He is proud of his family heritage, even if he has done little to add to it.  Taller than average, Cyrus may have once been a formidable figure but age and his wealthy lifestyle have left him overweight.  An educated man, he can speak knowledgeably on many topics.  He is amicable enough, but his mind is always bent towards business and profits.