Killian's Cohort






CreatureDate EncounteredLocationDetailsAdditional Notes(Chapter etc)Edited By
Rabid Monkeys3rd day of RichfestNightmare, roadside campScary critters, foamed at the mouthChapter 1Llewen
Spiders2nd Richfestroadside campapprox. a dozen, large, poison, webs closing off camp, attacked in three waves Narjan




Gems, jewelry, etc.:

Magic items:

Ordinary items:

Debt: Church, 1,000gp


Greetings to All to whom the present letters come.

Upon this parchment, by solemn oath and mark, We, the undersigned members of the "Borderlands Adventuring Company" (hereinafter, the "Company") hold ourselves to terms of this charter.

The Bylaws are as follows:

I.  The Company shall do business under the name "Killian's Cohorts."

II. Charter members of the Company (also referenced herein simply as "members") are afforded one share and one vote each.

III. A vote may be called for at any time, upon the motion of any charter member, as long as it is seconded by another member.

IV. New members may be added to the Company at any time, by majority vote of the existing members.

V. Once added to this charter, members may only be removed by unanimous vote of the other members.  If such a motion is made, the member in question receives no vote, but has the right to address the group before the votes are cast.

VI.  Company profits shall be divided according to share.

VII. One additional share shall be set aside to establish and maintain a Company fund to cover party expenses.

VIII. The party shall appoint a Quartermaster to manage the Company fund, empowered to allocate monies at his discretion, subject to party oversight. In the event of dispute, any member may call for a vote to settle the matter, according to the standard voting procedures set out herein.

IX. Any member may call for an accounting at any time, without the need for a second. In response to which the Quartermaster shall provide a timely response.

X. Henchmen shall be permitted, but a unanimous vote shall be required to add them, while only a majority vote shall be required to remove them.  Such individuals shall receive a one-half share of the Company's profits, or such other amount as the party shall agree upon by majority vote.

XI. Hirelings are considered to be the responsibility of the charter member who has hired them.  They receive no shares of profits.

XII. Neither henchmen nor hirelings shall receive voting rights, although either may cast a proxy vote for a charter member, if empowered to do so.

XIII. Rare or enchanted arms, armor, and items shall be awarded on the basis of two primary considerations: (i) the extent to which a member might benefit from a particular item or put it to good use, and (ii) whatever benefits the party most, as a whole.

XIV. In the event two or more members have roughly equal claims based on these two primary considerations, other merit-based factors may be considered, including but not limited to: (i) the relative extent to which each member contributed to the effort that yielded recovery of the item, and (ii) whether there is a disparity in the number of items previously distributed to each member, respectively.

XV. If the majority cannot reach consensus as to the distribution of an item, members may cast their lots. An election to defer at this stage, if done by a valid claimant, shall be factored into future considerations.

XVI. No item shall be destroyed, discarded, traded, or sold, without first being offered for sale to the members of the Company.  In such instances, one half of the market value will be assessed as the fair cost of said item. Or, if more than one member would like to buy the item, it shall be auctioned off.

XVII. The Company shall not accept any contract without the approval of a majority its members.

XVIII. The following measures shall be taken on behalf of any member who is injured or falls in the line of duty: (i) immediate aid, whenever possible, and such other efforts as may help to avoid death; (ii) additional healing to restore full health, at the first reasonable opportunity; (iii) resurrection, if feasible; and (iv) a proper burial, in the event all of the above efforts fail.

XIX. A deceased member's share shall be returned to the Company upon his burial. At that time, the Quartermaster shall provide a final accounting and distribute unallocated profits, if any, to the deceased member's rightful heir(s) -OR- make such other disposition as the deceased may have directed in writing.

XX. These bylaws may be amended by the members from time to time. All amendments shall require unanimous consent.

Agreement signed this 1st day of Richfest, in the Common Year of Reckoning, 575:
