The Lotus Turtle Clan is a Hara clan located in the Dawn Lands. They have long been allies with the other Clans in the region. The biggest threat they face are the occasional incursions by the Rethians from the northwest!
60 000 people belong to the Lotus Turtle Clan, though the vast majority of them have no direct engagement with the Clan structure.

Villages within the Lotus Turtle Clan have their own ways of running themselves, but in general they follow a template social structure known as the "Three Axis Separation" which entails a distribution of power among three social classes. The first social class is the self-explanatory Worker class which is comprised of regular members of the community, the second social class is the Elder caste, and the third social class is the Shaman caste.

Among the Worker class, there can be countless common professions. From simple laborer to a respected merchant who travels the Dawn Lands.

The Elder caste is responsible for governance and are controlled and led by a Chief/Headman. Most Chiefs/Headmen decide to appoint a number of Elders beneath them to help manage affairs. This may not be necessary in smaller villages. These Elders each have an unique title and position, and the most respected one is the title of Marshal, which is also the rarest due to the general lack of conflict the Lotus Turtle Clan has with other groups.
The position of Chief/Headman is passed down by lineage and is always patriarchal. There are no Chieftesses/Headwomen in any village.

The Shaman caste is responsible for spiritual matters and are controlled and led by the Great Shaman. The Great Shaman technically has a superior authority to the Chief/Headman of a village, as they can opt to depose them if they are unfitting, but this is rarely done. The Great Shaman is in charge of all other Shamans within a village, and is considered closest to the Ancestors by the people of the Lotus Turtle Clan. Great Shamans are personally responsible for determining a method to select an inheritor. This is usually done by a ritual wherein a senior Shaman is elevated in position when the current Great Shaman has become too old to fulfill their duties.
Very rarely, the Great Shamans of the Clan's villages gather together and decide the time has come to select a First Son. This is a matter of great import in both a political and spiritual sense.

The Lotus Turtle Clan only ever has up to one First Son alive at a time, and most of the time the position is vacant. Spiritually, the First Son represents the incarnation of countless Ancestors' wisdom into a newborn child. Politically, it's used by the Shaman caste to exert more forceful control over the Elder caste (exactly how intentionally this is used, depends on the specific personalities of the Great Shamans and how devout they truly are in their heart of hearts).