List of Discovered Languages
- Lanuage of the Thelspar people.
- Known for having highly complex consonant clusters which are difficult for speakers of other languages to learn and pronounce.
- Language of the Anbai people in the northern tundra of Kri Tan. Descended from proto-Krissh.
- Does not have a writing system.
- A rare language among the Yeka. Their speakers have been prosecuted by the Hara and Suta, so only about 10% of Yeka adults can speak this ancestral tongue.
- A pidgin language in Tzama, used by members of the eponymous alliance to communicate with each other.
- Common language amongst all the Caerish diasporas scattered across South Kalatoria
Chu Yi
- Language of the Chuyoun people in the southern jungles of Kri Tan. Descended from proto-Krissh.
- Language of the Drukar. Considered uncivilized by Nadians.
- Language of Ghanbar, also spoken by many Paraman villagers along the south and southwest Kalatorian Coast.
- Dural has a written version which is printed on Lapir, a paperlike substance made from seaweed. Charcoal brushes are usually used as writing implements. Although various more advanced dyeing/inking tools exist for tailors, which can sometimes be repurposed for writing.
- Lapir is sometimes bound in ox leather to make 'books'. This is very rare, though, and most Lapir is kept flat and protected in a wooden frame and taken out when it needs to be read. These wooden frames sometimes have basic info carved into them for better organization.
- The first language of Ebira. Many languages in the Great Wilds of Lanad draw inspiration from this language. Ebirese has changed significantly, but is still the same tongue.
- Language of the Fandrians. Also spoken by some Beriasin
- Language of the Daagi.
- One of the three main languages spoken by the Kadessians.
- Spoken by the Hara, the Yeka and the Suta. Largest language in the Yellow Paradise Expanse.
- Harana has numerous written versions, though none of them have spread to or arisen from the Dawn Lands yet.
- Eponymous language of the Jalam people.
- Language of the Berias people. Not widely spoken by the other ethnic groups of the region.
- Language of the Kasuum. Spoken widely across the Iderran Wilds
- Not a written language
Kànyu Tiŋ (Kaanyu Ting)
- A language among the Yeka. Their speakers have been prosecuted by the Hara and Suta, so only about 30% of Yeka adults can speak this ancestral tongue.
- Language of the Khosii people. Spoken rarely in Atar Khos.
- Spoken in Kri Tan, by the eponymous Krissh ethnicity who occupy the heartland of the subcontinent.
- Krissh has been written for over 200 years, at least since the time of ancient philosophers. The Krissh have long used scrolls made from bamboo, which only grows in the jungle around Mau. They write with charcoal brushes.
- Language of the Lihari people. Some Sharandan and Yashwi know it.
- Spoken by the Lilukati populace
- Writing in Lilu is done entirely phonetically using constructed characters - and it is utterly forbidden for anyone to learn except for the archivist caste. They only write in Lilu for personal correspondences where using Sylar would be inappropriate and blasphemous.
- Language of the Nadians. Many Drukar adopt Nadi as a second language.
- Language of the Nodavik. Spoken in Jorgrim and the surrounding Iderran Wilds.
- Does not have a written equivalent.
- Language of the Ataric people. Spoken semi-regularly in Atar Khos.
- Eponymous language of the Rethian people.
- Language of Sedoria, also spoken by a few Paraman villagers along the southeast Kalatorian Coast.
- Sedoric is often written on parchment made from ox vellum using charcoal brushes. Writing is very rare in the Republic of Sedoria, and is limited to a small collection of important documents or religious texts from among the Myriad Councils and Temples, respectively.
- One of the three main languages spoken by the Kadessians.
- Language of the Sharandan people. Some Lihari and Yashwi know it.
- Language of the Yashwi people. Only 80% of Yashwi adults know it due to various reasons.
- A liturgical language known only to an elite few of the Violet Moon Expanse.
- Language of the Tribes of Color.
- Main language of the Suta people. Sister language to Sutanese, somewhat mutually understandable.
- Main language of the Suta people. Sister language to Sutai, somewhat mutually understandable.
Śeδaka (Syebʱaka)
- A dying language among the Yeka. Their speakers have been prosecuted by the Hara and Suta, so only about 2-4% of Yeka adults can speak this ancestral tongue.
- Liturgical language used by the elite archivist class of the Lilukati. Mainly used in written form, some aspects can only be approximated orally.
- One of the three main languages spoken by the Kadessians.
- Spoken by the Pallid Tribe members. Closely related to (descended from) Talash.
- Liturgical language of the Suta people. Only taught among the religious caste
- Imperial language of the Atar Khos. Spoken widely by all citizens.
- Another language of the Yashwi people. This is a dying language, about 8% of Yashwi adults learn to speak it.
- Most common language among the Yeka
- Imperial anguage of Holy Kalator. All other languages in the region have been eradicated or are on the verge of extinction. Named after the 'Sun God', Yem - the sole mythological figure of Holy Kalator's zealous clergy.
- Writing is forbidden to those not belonging to one of the higher social classes.
Dictionary: Caerish
Ben = you
Mat = have (perfect)
Matey = have (1SG)
Mateyn = have (1PL)
Matel = have (2SG)
Mateln = have (2PL)
Mato = have (3SG)
Maton = have (3PL)
Tur = have (perfect)
Tu = must (1SG)
Tun = must (1PL)
Tul = must (2SG)
Tuln = must (2PL)
Turo = must (3SG)
Turon = must (3PL)
So = some
Narrey = copper
Za = the
Thalind = sword
Remonde = sheath
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- Verbs are conjugated based on the subject they belong to.
- This language is somewhere between analytic and fusional
Dictionary: Dural
Youma = day, today
Youman = days
el Youma = the daily
Ikim = sleep, dream
Ikimen = dreams
el Ikim = the sleeping, the tired, the dreaming
Youmikim = day's rest
Bayam = egg
Bayamen = eggs
Dham = gold
Dhamen = money
el Dham = the golden
Dhambayam = golden egg
Dhambayamen = golden eggs
Bar = settlement, village, town, city
Baroun = settlements, villages, towns, cities
al Baram = the civilized, the urban
Dur = one
al Duroun = the first
Ghan = multitudes, excellence
al Ghanoun = the many, the great
Sundha = royal (noun)
Sundhada = royals
il Sundir = the royal (adj)
Taha = noble (noun)
Tahada = nobles
il Tahir = the noble (adj)
Sumat = desert, savannah
Sumatta = deserts, savannahs
il Sumatir = arid, dry, desertified, thirsty
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- This language is fusional
- There are three noun classes
- The first noun class uses El as their definite particle, marks plural with '-(e)n'
- The second noun class uses Al as their definite particle, marks plural with '-(h)oun'
- The third noun class uses Il as their definite particle, marks plural with '-(a)da' which can become '-ta' after 't' or '-ha' after 'd'
- Posession is marked with '-(h)et'
Dictionary: Ebirese
Sur = south
Nuk = north
E- = very broad, general article/preposition
Bira = person (feminine, archaic)
Birn = person (masculine, archaic)
Piela = female person
Pyen = male person
Pielapyen = everyone
Dictionary: Krissh
Taja = space
Tsan = sea
Yo = of
Zong = oblivion
Fei = soul
Yi = divine
Ang = my, mine
Hua = flower
Fi = little
Fen = road
Ao = primal
Ner = mortal
Shian = immortal
Gu = west, old
Weng = north
Jan = middle
Shi = east, spirit, strange
Ban = south
Ko = thing, object
Wen = kind, like
Wenshi = esoteric
Taepung = greed, avarice
Sui = foolishness, idiocy
Pan = ugliness, evil
Giyu = ghost
Zwei = thunder, lightning, storm
Liu = sword, blade, saber
Pangiyu = ugly soul, hideous ghost
Li = treasure, a unit of measurement (about 500 meters)
Hua = flower
Huali = honey
Jiu = joyous, uplifting, exciting, enticing, purple
Gong = music, storage shed
Lihua = lotus, beautiful flower, dear one (feminine)
-na (suffix) = conjugates a word into an adverb
-zi (suffix) = many, multiple
-'ur (suffix) = used in grammar for when two syllables would repeat
Ou (archaic) = all, every
Xi (archaic) = way, direction
Ouxi (archaic) = everywhere, the world
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- This language is somewhere between isolating and analytic
Dictionary: Noric
Skulter = scum (pejorative)
Skult = filth
Mourengrot = lunch
Dasgrofa = dinner
Likgrot = breakfast
Hud = day
Hudgrofa = late lunch
Mouren = morning
Mourenhud = dawn
Morg = night
Kveftin = evening
Kveftinmorg = dusk
Synog = eye
Synogel = visual
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- This language is agglutinative
Dictionary: Sedoric
Tājir = merchant
Ke = you
Manam = speak
Sun = for
Et-Wayur = swindler
Ānir = about
Sur = false
Nur = true
Kudingir = shame
Shur = place
Ad = the, supreme
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- nothing yet
Dictionary: Sunewesel
Fy = Cyan
Nu = Yellow
In = Black
Rig = Green, Brown
Mou = Vermillion, Bright Red
Nudzu = Blue
Fe = Death, Dead
Tet = Leaf, Wildflower
Sen = Root, Trunk
Tis = Home, Shelter
Lichh = Paradise
Lichhtis = Sanctuary, Fortress
Wha = Fish
Nhatwha = Shark, Any Dangerous Animal (Aquatic)
Keufse = Red
Su = Color
Nhat = Water
Ud = Of
Wiksis = Oath, Promise
Lhak = Plant
Talhak = Coral
Nhattalhak = Reef
Kheuf = Mangrove
Bilal = Maze
Newe = People
We = Person
Ne = Many
Sel = Tongue, Word, Speech
Saru = Brave
Fin = Arm, Hand
Finfe = Weapon
Bel = Good
Hem = Cloth
Rigtet = Grass
Nyr = Bounty, Plenty
Nyrif = Bountiful, Plentiful
Suif = Colorful
Whud = Gift, Honor, Trade
Tam = Dirt, Soil
-de = -Like
-if = -Full
Khosi = River
Khositam = Clay
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- nothing yet
Dictionary: Givэ̄
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- Phonemes which can be voiceless or voiced are always voiced.
- Long vowels are common
- Macron diacritics change the sound of a vowel
- I used "э̄" instead of "e with macron" because for some reason the wiki won't display that...
Dictionary: Lilu
Li = purity, goodness, joy
Lu = speech
Ka = all (iterable), each
Nak = all (noniterable), everything
Ti = person
Su = ground, earth, lands, the world, forest
Lilu = Pure Speech
Lilukati = People of the Pure Speech, humanity
Sy = ritual, purpose
Lar = root, thicket, bramble, shroud, nest
Sylar = Archival, sacred and secretive
Pek = village, settlement, town
Fe = girl, daughter
Na = night, absence, darkness
Ya = fire, heat
Yari = the sun, daytime
Si = honor, pride, order, caste
Nasi = honorless, forbidden
Nasikati = The Forbidden People, outsiders, subhumans
La = flower
Syma = Cooking
Ri = light, white, pale, golden, yellow
Feri = Paledaughter (♀ name)
Nala = Nightflower (♀ name)
Rifa = Lilac (color)
Fa = purple
Rifala = Lilac (flower)
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- Syllable structure is CV(C) but the (C) can only be "L" or "R"
- Phonemes which can be voiceless or voiced are always voiceless.
- If two identical consonants would touch (by combining syllables or otherwise), the latter is replaced with the language's default phoneme: 'M'
Dictionary: Talash
Ulle = strength, power
Mie = I, my
Miema = we, our
Omiema = us, ours
Tie = they (SG), their (SG)
Otie = them (SG), theirs (SG)
Tiema = they (PL), their (PL)
Otiema = them (PL), theirs (PL)
Vie = you, your
Loja = seek, seeking, to seek
Lojae = sought
Haervult = wander, wandering, to wander
Haervultte = wandered
Lorja = find, finding, to find
Lorjae - found
Sulat = swallow, swallowing, to swallow
Sulatte = swallowed
Mi = is (SG)
Ma = is (PL)
Nja = by
-tu = the
Jeri = sea
Mae sulatte njae jeritu miema = We were swallowed by the sea (lit. Were swallowed by the sea we)
Yie = and
Li = in
Pama = darkness
Yie lorjae omiema li pamatu miema! = And found ourselves in darkness (lit. And found us in the darkness we)
Tu = this
Jar = light, the sun, providence, redemption
Eiv- = -less
Eivi = without
Eivjar = lightless, irredeemable, desolate
Mja = land
Haervult tusa mjasa-eivjar miema = We wander these lightless lands (lit. Wander these lands-lightless we)
-am = a
Akera = return
Pa = to
Vasji = life
Ma loja akeraam pa vasji miema = Seeking a return to life (lit. Are seeking a return to life we)
Lojajar = hope (lit. seeking light)
Language details (nonexhaustive, subject to change without notice)
- VOS word order (Verb-Object-Subject)
- Adjectives/adverbs come after the word they modify, and are connected with a hyphen
- Past tense is marked by 'e' after 'a', 'ae' after any other vowel, and reduplication + 'e' after a consonant
- Plurality is marked with 'sa'
- Passive voice is when you modify the verb with the infix "is ___ by" both sides of which should agree with the verb in tense and with the subject in plurality