See also, Ethnicities of Lanad
The Great Wilds of Lanad make up the majority of the Ebira continent. A mix of biomes, from grassland to forest to jungle, the vistas are as beautiful as they are plentiful.
The Great Wilds of Lanad are separated into a number of distinct geographical and cultural regions.
The land is mostly unconquered, but several large regions are home to numerous societies:
- To the Southeast, the Lilac Garden Expanse - home to just the Lilukati ethnicity and about a dozen Clans. The Lilac Garden Expanse is the smallest and least populated geographical region in the Great Wilds of Lanad, and it is also heavily isolated from the others.
- To the East, the Yellow Paradise Expanse - home to the Yeka, Hara and Suta ethnicities and their Clans. The Yellow Paradise Expanse is the second largest geographical region. Though it is largely open grassland, it has numerous terrain features with deep myths surrounding them. The Yellow Paradise Expanse is the most populous region in the Great Wilds of Lanad, by far.
- To the Northeast, the Rose Cluster Expanse - home to the Jalam and Rethian ethnicities and about a dozen Clans. The Rose Cluster Expanse boasts both a moderate size and population, when compared to the other regions within the Great Wilds of Lanad.
- To the North, the Great White Expanse - home to the Ebiran, Thelspar, Berias and Fandrian ethnicities and about a hundred Clans. The Great White Expanse is the largest geographical region, comprised mainly of vast northern tundra and the Greater Juna boreal forest. It's population is large, but significantly smaller than the Yellow Paradise Expanse. It is also the home to the first ethnic group of Ebira, the eponymous Ebirans who long ago named the continent.
- To the Northwest, the Violet Moon Expanse - home to the Drukar and Nadia ethnicities and a few dozen Clans. The Violet Moon Expanse boasts both a moderate size and population, when compared to the other regions within the Great Wilds of Lanad.
- To the West, the Verdant Expanse - home to the Sharandan, Lihari and Yashwi ethnicities and a couple dozen Clans. The Verdant Expanse is smaller in size to the Violet Moon or Rose Cluster, but their population is slightly larger than either. The Verdant Expanse is home to the Lesser Juna, which has a more moderate climate than the larger forest of which is an offshoot. The village of Windwalker is just one settlement with the Verdant Expanse that belongs to a certain Lihari clan. It has about 150 people
Timekeeping is not remotely standardized across the Great Wilds of Lanad. Instead, a number of miscellaneous clans have a specific interest in it, and thus keep detailed oral or written records of their history, from which they devise calendars.
The Antiquity Empire of Atar Khos
Within the heartland of the Ebira continent, there exists the Antiquity Empire of Atar Khos. Atar Khos has a history of almost three hundred years and is the most developed society in the continent. As it is the reigning Hegemon, Atar Khos has never had any external threats to fight against... The only thing it fights against is itself!
Geologically, Atar Khos is 60% a mix of sparse forests and grasslands or savannahs. The other 40% is made of the Khosi Mountains, where surface ore is extracted.
A tiny portion of the savannahs are nearly-desertified, and a small portion of the Khosi Mountains bleed into the Ataric Plateau. The Great Khosi River flows from the eastern Khosi Mountains, through the Ataric Plateau, and down in Ebira-Sur
Religiously, The Antiquity Empire of Atar Khos is secular. Though, some national mythology exists, centered around the Emperors and their apparently heroic deeds and supposedly incredible gifts and talents.
The Bleached Coast
A harsh land of gravel beaches constantly assaulted by foaming, dark green waves. The landscape of smooth black stones and swathes of ancient shells give the land its ominous name.
Within the Bleached Coast, the Pallid Tribe has recently emerged from the mysterious Cave of Origin, claiming some territory along the southern end of the peninsula. Their population is about a couple thousand
A large stretch of the northern shore is made of great cliffs, occupied by a unique species of flying reptiles.
A regional term for a portion of the Ebira continent's midsouth. It is known as Ebira-Sur, meaning 'South Ebira' in Ebirese, the language of the Ebiran ethnicity.
Ebira-Sur does not have a calendar system.