I've talked a lot about motic science but there are people out there who still embrace the old ways and just call it magic. Accessing the Net for example is fundamentally a non-denominational ritual that was cribbed off of a variety of Native American, African, and Eastern 'Vision Quest' rituals. Peer review and repeated use has optimized it to the point where it is basically a science but that doesn't change the origin of the underlying mechanic.
Magic being a verifiable fact has created a real surge in some of the spiritual communities. The number of kids climbing Tibetan mountains to train with wizened monks has skyrocketed. Sure most of them are kicked out before they get through the doors but that monastery is still getting more supplicants than ever before. The thousand flavors of Wicca have also gotten an upswing in followers, the largest repository of Thaumatergical techniques is actually maintained online by a Wicca group.
Real Sorcery seems to be beyond the ken of most casual practitioners. There are several places of sorcerous learning around the world. Some, like the Santa Muerte Necromancy School, are run by religious, semi-religious, or cultural organizations and study the sorcerous arts in accordance with their traditions. Many more are part of traditional colleges, either as their own Departments or as Branches of their Motic Science Departments. These programs at least graduate level courses of study and at graduation students are technically a Master of Motic Science in Sorcery (or Necromancy) [MMS/S]. Doctoral programs are also available at select universities.
Obviously most courses can be taken online since the subtle body is perfectly capable of performing most sorcerous work.
While Sorcery and technology (Motic or otherwise) don't inherently interfere with each other. It does take a lot of work for (most) people to become a full fledged Sorcerer. It is hard to hit the gym when you have a 40 page dissertation on the applications of fertility curses of the emerald circle.
Last edited by Sir Swindle, December 13 2023 05:27:00. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.