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Cleric Base Lists

- Channels

  1. Create Holy Water
  2. Calming
  3. Channels I*
  4. Power Channel I*
  5. Stunning

- Communal Ways

  1. Guess*
  2. Faithful Tongue
  3. Intuitions I
  4. Dream I
  5. Intuitions III

- Life Mastery

  1. Life Awareness
  2. Preservation I
  3. Heal Life Essence I
  4. Lifekeeping I
  5. Infuse Life II

- Protections

  1. Prayer I
  2. Bless I
  3. Resistance I
  4. Heat Resistance*
  5. Cold Resistance*

- Repulsions

  1. Repel Undead V
  2. Cancel Channeling*
  3. Anti-Channels I*
  4. Neutralize Curse I
  5. Anti-Channels III*

- Summons

  1. Summons I
  2. Summons II
  3. Summons III
  4. Summons IV
  5. Summons V