On a successful casting, the target may be able to resist the spell's effects.
A spell save Base DC is 8. Add the caster's Realm Stat modifier. If the caster is proficient in the spell, add hir Proficiency Bonus to the DC.
For example, as the enemy executioner raises his axe, Hennet casts Break Limb, the 5th-level Flesh Destruction spell, successfully. His Wisdom bonus is +4 and his Proficiency Bonus is +3. That makes his spell save DC 15.
The target must make a standard Saving Throw vs. Spell based on the spell's Realm: Wisdom for Channeling, Intelligence for Essence, or Charisma for Mentalism.
The executioner has an Intelligence Saving Throw of +1. The DM rolls 12, for 13. The executioner fails his save. The spell takes effect on (d4: 3 - Left Leg). The executioner screams as his left leg folds underneath him, splintered tibia sprouting from the skin in a grisly spectacle. His axe clatters to the ground and falls off the platform into the crowd below.
Last edited by ionathas, October 24 2023 02:59:23. Secured game article. You most log in to contribute.